Financials Portugal (FI-LOC-FI-PT)

ID: EBJ0000096
Table Description
FIAPPTD_TRANS Table to store the transaction details of the CBR PT
FIPT_PRI_RECEIPT Portugal: Payment Receipts for SAFT
FIAPPTD_BALANCE Table to store the Balances for Vendor/Customer/Bank Account
FISAFTPTC_SBINFO SAFT: Customization for Self Billing File Generation
FIPT_D_ST_EXEMPT Exemption Codes for Stamp Taxes
FIPT_D_ST_CODE Define Official Codes for Stamp Taxes
FIPT_D_ST_EXEM_T Define Official Codes Dependent text for Exemption Code
SAFTPT_IMAT SAFT PT : Tax Like materials
FIAPPTC_FSV Financial Statement Version for Central Bank Reporting (PT)
FIPTC_BD_SPLGL Maintain Special GL Indicator for Bad Debts (Portugal)
PTSAFT_MATACCNT GL Account based material numbers
PTSAFT_MATPRE SAFT PT : prefix for material numbers
SAFTPT_FIMD SAFT PT Master data for FI invoices
FIPT_D_ST_ASSIGN Assign Stamp Tax Attributes to Tax Codes
FIPTC_SB_FYV SAFT: Self Billing - Fiscal Year Variant for Vendors
SAFT_PTC_TR_TYPE SAF-T Transaction Type
FIPTC_INV_SHIPTO SAF-T PT Sales Invoices as Outbound Deliveries