Financials Croatia (FI-LOC-FI-HR)

ID: EBJ1000074
Table Description
/CCEE/HR_LOG Log from JOPPD report
/CCEE/FISC_TAXTC Tax Segments to Tax Codes mapping
J_3KBANK Bank accounts in ZAP
/CCEE/HR_C_DATE JOPPD: Assign budat/bldat to company code [Obsolete]
J_3KLANDA Countries
/CCEE/FISC_ALT Field to store Fiscalization data in FI document
/CCEE/FISC_D_TYP Fiscalization Croatia: Document Types
/CCEE/HRFI_UZAWE Mapping table - Purpose of payment
J_3K_INT Payment order numeric range
/CCEE/HRFI_RFUMS 23% VARFUMSV00: Assignment of Tax codes to croatian columns
J_3KNA14_PRIM Control of field remark in foreign payment order
/CCEE/FISC_TAXAC Tax segments to Accounts mapping
/CCEE/HR_C_GLRC Expenses G/L accounts assigned to Receipts code
/CCEE/HR_C_PMPW Mapping of Payment Method to Payment Way
/CCEE/HR_C_DT Customization for Payments on Behalf of Employee [Obsolete]