Funds Management (PSM-FM)

ID: I150004901
Table Description
FMFG_SAV_GLIDXA Saved GLIDXA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMSPLITO Object table 1
FMFYCVA Value Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change
FMCCFLOT Commitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.)
FMUSFGO Object table 1 for US Federal Government
FMCCFD Fiscal Year Change Documents (FM)
FMUSFGFACTS1O Object table 1
FMUSFGFACTS2O Object table 1
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGA Saved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMUSFGA Actual line item table for US Federal Government.
FMSPLITA Actual line item table
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1A Saved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2A Saved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMUSFGFACTS1A 4Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2A Actual line item table
PFM_12TSLD_ML_FI FI: balances table por legal maps
PFM_12TD08 Program execution log
FMBLREGLOG Safe the Runs of the Year-End Balancing Report
PFM_12TFA03 Year closing: to pass to the new management
FMUSFGFACTS1P Plan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2P Plan line items table
FMUSFGP Plan line items table
FMSPLITP Plan line items table
/SAPF15/F15H F15 Documents (Header Data History)
FMSPLITT Summary table
FMTC_SCHNO Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status
FMUSFGT Summary table for US Federal Government
PFM_12TFA02 Year closing: commitment data to pass to the new management
FMUSFGFACTS1T Summary table
FMUSFGFACTS2T Summary table
PSBM_EVENT PS Budget Monitoring Events
FMFGAPASS Accountable Property Assets Created w Value
PFM_HRLINK HR<->PFM link process management
PFM_12TD07 to accout.: items w.errors-Obs. table - don't use!
FMSPLITC Object table 2
FMUSFGC Object table 2
FMUSFGFACTS1C Object table 2
FMUSFGFACTS2C Object table 2
FMFG_PO_SUBSET ZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES
FMFG_PO_ZEKKN ZEKKN data for all FI items referencing service POs
PFM_12TD10 Budgetary document posting to accounting: document check
FMIT_DIFF Difference Table FMIT - Line Items Total
FMPU_MIG_OPITEMS Migration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Closed
PSBM_ALERT PS Budget Monitoring Alerts
PFM_12TD12 Budgetary document posting to accounting: item check
FMFG_REPOST_CNTL Document batching/control for SL Repost for ECC 600 migratio
PFM_12TD06 Budget posting to accounting: error log
PFM_12TD11 Budgetary document posting to accounting: error log
FMSAPF048B_OUT Reporting Table for Initial Archiving Run
/SAPF15/FMIT null
PFM_12TD05 Budget posting to accounting: document check
PFM_12TDRET Withholding Tax: Payments/Invoices
FMFG_REPOST_ERR Errors issued during SL repost for ECC 600 migration
PFM_12TFA04 Year closing: pass to new management
TBPBWRET20 FM Plan Data Transfer Header Transfer
PFM_TDPLC_RP_DC CRR: credit release request data (item) (RP)
FUMA_EVENT Fund Management Events
PFM_DUOD_H Monthly Budget Posting Accouting: docs control
FMRC07_WO_BUNDLE Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI
/SAPF15/F15 null
FMRC_SEL_KEY Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents
FMS200D_X List Output for RFFMS200_BATCH_X
/SAPF15/FMITB null
PFM_TDPLC_FUNDS PLC: credit release request data (funds view)
PFM_TDPLC_FUND_N CRR: credit release request data (funds view) (CL)
PFM_HRDOCS Coverages and commitments of HR and FI integration
FMFG_PO_CMMTSTR Commitment string lookup table for SES ZEKKN correction
FMFG_REPOST_RCLR Reversed clearing documents for ECC 600 migration
PFM_12TCTR_IMPRE CA: document print control
FMCCFLOTHD Lot for Commitment Carryforward (Approval Procedure)
/SAPF15/F15B01 null
/SAPF15/F15B02 null
/SAPF15/F15E02 null
/SAPF15/F15GJW null
FMTOBL FI documents with FM to BL balance information
FMPU_MIG_PAR Parallel Processing of RFFM_MIG_OPEN_DB_ANA
FMPU_MIG_RPITEMS Migration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Reconstructed
FMRCKEY Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents
FMFG_YBA_DELTA FMFG: Year of Budget Authority - Timestamp
/SAPF15/KZ null
FMARCPAR Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH
FMRC_RC_PAY Results List: Documents: Bank/Clearing Acct Matching FM-FI
PFM_1TDFI Table of updated FI documents
/SAPF15/KBLPS null
PFM_1TRR1 Relation with RMS prog. - Revenue type, Commitm.item, POCAL
FMTC_CHK_RANGE Schedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation
FMFG_YBA_AVC FMFG: Year of Budget Authority - AVC
/SAPF15/F15GJWVP null
PSBM_URULE_OBJ Budget Monitoring User Rules Objects
PFM_12THDO Coverage data history for reprint
PFM_12TD01 FI: PA - authorization header data
PFM_12TD02 FI: PA - payment authorization item data
PFM_TPDUOCO_REM Twelfths: budget classification removal
PFM_TPDUOCO Monthly Budget: budget classification
FMSPLIT_RULE Distribution Rule for Rule-Based Account Distributions
PFM_TDPLC_HDR PLC: credit release request data (header)
FMFGF2PREDC Pre-edit C - Expired/Unexpired (FACTS II)
PFM_01_PCF Funds Center Customizing
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_C null
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_C null
PFM_TDPLC_POS PLC: credit release request data (item)
PFM_TDPLC_POS_NC CRR: credit release request data (item) (CL)
PFM_12TFA10 Year End Close: Commitments not paid w/year end close doc
PFM_TDTRANSF_HDR Credit transfer: credit transfer data (header)
PFM_1BSET Document segment control data - auxiliary
FMSPLIT_SPLIT Distributions for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMUSFGF2_TRANS Transfer Agency and Accounts
FMGROUP Group master data for fund
FMUSERGROUP User maintenance for group
FMFGT_ALC Agency Location Code - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_PO Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
TME_TOLS Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance
T023V Fast Pay/Accelerated Pay table
T023Y Material Group for Fast Pay
PFM_TPDUONT Define Budget Keys Not Totalized by Set
PFM_TPDUO_HIST Twelfths: history - header
FMFGRCN_SUB_GRP Reconciliation: Groups for Subtotal texts
FMRCN_MAPPING Field mapping definition
FMBLREGGRU Regualrization Groups
PFM_TGO Operational Managers
PFM_TORGPRF Organizational Profiles
PFM_TPOIC Operational Programs (European Initiatives)
PFM_1TFORM Information for form layout
FMSPLIT_APROF Action Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMSPLIT_AUTG Authorization groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMSPLIT_DIST Distribution methods for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMSPLIT_FPROF Field Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMFG_RE_PMT_EXT RECN Condition:Payment Term Extension
PSBM_REPORT Budget Monitoring Reports
FMDPEF_FSTS_NM Field selection string for FMDPEF
FMDERIVE_TRIGGER Triggers update of tables for the derivation tool
FMTABADRH Characteristic Derivation: Header
/SAPF15/TVSL F15 Processing Key
FMLGD_H_TILG Clearing Order for Additional Receivables
FMLGD_H_VALTYP Processing variant
TBKRL Bank Role in PRQ Payment Program
TBKS Super region
TBKZW Payment Method Group Dependency
PFM_TDDUO_HIST Twelfths: history - itens by ID
PFM_PAP_BG Control Table for Background PAP
FMRC_BKPF Reconciliation of Headers from FI
FMRC_FMIFIIT Reconciliation of Lines from FM
FAGL_R_FM_ACCASS Reorganization: Account Assignment Elements per FM Area
PFM_1TMAC Contract award methods
PFM_1TTCT Contract types
PFM_1TPACT Activity plan history per year
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_S null
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_S null
FMFG_HEAD_INV Header Data for Improper Invoices
FMFGRCNPROVIDER Reconciliation Tool Data Provider
/SAPF15/F4TMP null
PSBM_RULES Budget Monitoring Rules
PSBM_USER_RULE Budget Monitoring User Rules
FMFGHASHVERS Hash Code Version
PFM_TPPROJ Additional data funds - project
FMFGRCNSLICE Data slice for Reconciliation Tool
FMFG_RE_PPA_EX RECN Condition: PPA Exclude Flag
/SAPF15/SM F15 SEPA Mandate
FMFGRCNGROUP Reconciliation Group for Reconciliation Tool
FMFGRCNRULE Reconciliation: Reconcilation Rule definition
FMSPLIT_GROUP Rule Group for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMSPLIT_RULETP Rule type for Rule-Based Account Distributions
FMRC_BSEG Reconciliation of Lines from FI
PFM_TCAPI Fund Center additional data - Chapter
PFM_TDIVI Fund Center additional data - Division
PFM_TFFIN Funds additional data - financing source
PFM_TMEDI funds - measure
PFM_TMINIS Fund Center Additional Data - Ministries
PFM_TPROG Additional data funds - program
PFM_TPROJ Additional data funds - project
PFM_TSECEST Fund Center additional data - Secretaries of State
PFM_TSUBD Fund Center additional data - Sub-division
PFM_TSUBPROJ Additional data funds - project and subproject
PFM_01TP25 Fund Center additional data - Area
PFM_01TP26 Fund Center additional data - Services and independent funds
PFM_01TP27 Fund Center additional data - Organization
PFM_01TP24 Fund Center Additional Data - Ministries
PFM_01TP46 Fund Center additional data - Chapter
PFM_01TP47 Fund Center additional data - Division
PFM_01TP48 Fund Center additional data - Sub-division
PFM_01TP55 IS-PS: addit.fields budget - values budgetary transaction
PFM_01TP45 Funds additional data - financing source
PFM_TPMEDI funds - measure
PFM_TPPROG Additional data funds - program
T042F_FMFG_TC Pmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf
FMFGRCNSLICET Reconciliation data slice text
FMFGT_ALCT Text Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov
FMFGT_POT Text table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
TBKST Name of Super Region
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_T null
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_T null
FMRCN_MAPPINGT Field mapping for recon tool text
FMBLREGGRUT Regualrization Groups
FMTC_RFC Table for Treasury Regional Financial Center
FMFGTOLDCTYP Document types for US Federal MM tolerances
FUNDMSG Fund message maintenance
FMFGAPAAC Account Assignment Categories for Acc. Property
FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types
FMFGAPTR Accountable Property Transaction Type
FMFGT_SS01 Payment Statistical Sampling Process Activation table
FMFGT_SS03 Statistical Sampling Clerk/Supervisor Relationship
FMBUDACLD Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment
FMFGF2FADT (FACTS II) Account Balance Definition Table
FMFGT_DIT_FBT List of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation
FMTC_PMT_TYPE Mapping table for Pmt Method to the Type of Pmt DME - TC
FMFG_BL_BALACC Budgetary Ledger balancing account for document split
FM2BLACT1 FM2BL - Activate of FM area and FM Budget Category
FM2BLACTB FM2BL - Activation of Budget Value Types
FM2BLACTC FM2BL - Activation of Commitment/Actual Value Types
FM2BLTR1 FM2BL - Define on FM area level
FMKAFF_CTRL FM-CO: Check Mode in FM for CO planning.
FMT003 Funds Management Flags for FI Document Type
FMDERIVEFUNC List of functions available in the FM Derivation tools
FMAC2 FM to FI - GL Account Assignment
PFM_TACTIV Additional data: funds - activity
PFM_TPREC_PROPN Outside funds - own revenue
PFM_TPDUODO Budget documents for 0 accounts and twelfths
PFM_TP_DUO_BUKRS Twelfths customizing per company code
FMRCN_ASSIGN_MAP assign Mapping to totals table
FMFGRCNFACTOR Reconciliation: Factors in a reconciliation rule
PFM_12TPRET Relation WTax code-Fields for retention doc
PFM_12TFA11 Year closing: doc.types FYC to generate for new mngm.
PFM_12TFA01 Year closing: information regarding management closing
PFM_12TFA07 Year closing: commitment setup of future years
PFM_12TFAP FI: PA - parameter data for form
PFM_12TOTR Relation WTax code-Commitment item TO revenue for payments
PFM_12TP28 FI: to accounting: composite processes
PFM_12TP53 Additional periods
PFM_TCSS_GF Vendor accounts groups exempt Social Security validation
FMBLREGCCO Regularization per Fiscal Year and Compeny Code
FMBLEXTFA Substitute BL Doc Types
FMCOMB Define Combined Documents
FMCOMBH Additional lines in BL for Combined Documents
FMCOMBK Additional lines in BL for Combined Documents - Header
FMBLEXTACB Activation of BL Ext for Value Type - Budgets
FMBLEXTACC Activation of BL Ext for Value Type - Commitments / Actuals
FMBLEXTFLD Field Selection for Derivation Tool in BL Ext - Field Name
FMBLEXTFMA Selection of fields to be moved in FI for BL Ext - FM Areas
FMBLEXTSTR Field Selection for Derivation Tool in BL Ext - Structures
FMBLSPLITLEDGER Assign split ledger to BL extension
FMBLBASIC Budgetary Ledger Basic Settings
FMFG_BLART_EXCL Document types excl. from BL source and posting type check
PFM_TPOIC_GO Assignment of Operational Managers to Programs
PFM_TTCOMP Transaction Codes for Commitments
PFM_TTFRES Transaction Codes for Funds Reservation
FMSPLIT_APROF_A Actions in Rule-Based Account Distributions Action Profile
FMFGRODP Reimbursable Orders relevant for automatic Downpayment
FMFGROYE Reimbursable Orders : Year-End closing
PSBM_TEXTS PS Budget Monitoring text objects
FMDPEF_BLARTFSTS Assign Document Type to Fieldstatus
FMDPEF_FSTS_SAP Fieldstatus FMDPEF SAP delivered
FMDERIVE_SETS Sets for different Strategies
FMFG_PEROP_SDACT Period of Performance for Sales & Distribution Activation
PFM_12TP43 PS: additional fields by change group
PFM_1TCOC Compound processes - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_1TCOS Simple processes indicators - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_1TFRE Parishes
PFM_1TMDA Award method
PFM_1TOPC Compound processes - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_1TOPS Simple processes - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_TPITSTA01 Document types for budget statistics update
FM01W Company Code-Dependent Assignment of FM Area Currency
FM01X Managing Preliminary Developments
FMCO_ACC_TO_FM Log Changes to Assignment of Account Assignments CO - FM
FMREAS_INDEX_FC Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items
FMREAS_STRATS Maintain Assignment Strategy for FM Area and Fiscal Year
FMTABADRHT Characteristic Derivation: Header - Texts
FMFYCC FM Closing Operations: Customizing Settings
/SAPF15/TABLT F15 General Settings
/SAPF15/TAO2VSL null
/SAPF15/TAZV null
/SAPF15/TBA2VSL null
/SAPF15/TMV2VSL null
BPREP_DIM_ASS Assign Account Assignments
BPREP_DIM_ASS_C Assign Account Assignments - Customer-Specific Assignments
BPREP_HRFPM_BCS Variants of Budget Creation for PBC
FMLGD_H_CUST Note to Payee Control
FMLGD_H_GRPNR Folder Variants for Grouping Turnover
FMLGD_H_MSGNR Message Control
FMLGD_H_VG_01_01 Budget Type 01: Customer Down Payment
FMLGD_H_VG_02_01 Posting Type 02: Vendor Down Payment
FMLGD_H_VG_03_01 Posting Type 03: G/L Account Debit Posting
FMLGD_H_VG_04_01 Posting Type 04: G/L Account Credit Posting
FMEXPERT_MODE Activate Expert Mode for EA-PS Reports
FMCHECK_YEAR Obsolete Table
TBKCB House Bank per Currency
TBKCR House Bank per Super Region and Currency
TBKLA Maximum Payment Amount for each House Bank (limit amount)
TBKWT Processing Time per Country
TTRCD Intermediate accts and min. balances for cash concentration
PFM_T001 Company Attributes
PFM_12TP02 FI: PA - parameter Number range
PFM_12TP22 CA: parameter Print (forms and programs)
PFM_12TP52 FI: PA - param.CRE (derivation)
PFM_12TP57 FI: PA - parameter Advance payments
PFM_12TPAP_OP FI: PA - payment authorization proposal options
PFM_TDDUOVENC Twelfths: last period and due values sum
PFM_TPDUOF Twelfths: earmarked funds
PFM_TPDUOL Twelfths: limits fixed by law
PFM_TPPLC_FUNDS PLC - outside funds
PFM_TPPLC_LANC FI accounting for PLC: postings (keys and accounts)
PFM_TPPLC_LANC_N FI Accounting for CRR: Postings (Keys and Accounts) (CL)
PFM_TPTD FI accounting: document types
PFM_1TCTD Control table for document types
PFM_ASS_ACT ASS Solution Activation
FMFGGTASACBLDEF GTAS Account Balance Definition
FMFGUSKONTKEY Key for US Account Assignments
FMFG_R_DERIV_R Reports using FMFG Derivation: Receiver fields
/SAPF15/_HKR4_FC null
FMTABADR Characteristic Derivation: Strategies
PFM_01TP28 Fund C. addit. data-Sec.of State-Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_01_COR01 Legal Data Correspondence - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_12TFA05 Year closing: FI document setup
PFM_12TFA06 Year clos.: relationship G/L account open w/new sp.G/L ind.
PFM_12TFA08 Year closing: post.key derivation for new management docs.
PFM_12TFA09 Year closing: doc.types earm.funds to generate for new mngm.
PFM_12TP34 EA-PS: types of budget documents for automatic creation
PFM_12TPRET_VER Relation WTax code-Use old version (program PFM_12FIBI03)
PFM_1TCNT Table for contract management - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_1TECT Relation table commitment items POCAL accounts
PFM_1TFCT Forms of contracts
PFM_TPLANC FI accounting: postings (keys and accounts)
PFM_TTCCH Transactions codes for precommitments
/SAPF15/BEW_KZ null
/SAPF15/BEW_KZ_H null
PFM_01TP103 ARF: transaction type for repayment record - SAP exclusive
PFM_01TP104 ARF: transaction type for fixed assets record-SAP exclusive
PFM_01TP110 ARF: asset chart type by asset class - SAP exclusive
PFM_01TP30 Additional data: funds - functional classification
PFM_01TP31 Additional data: funds - activity
PFM_01TP60 Asset: asset class general classifier - SAP exclusive
PFM_01TP97 Asset: acq.trans. type-SAP exc.- Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_01TPTCO Budget classification type
PFM_HR01 Activate derivation rules for budget key in HR
PFM_HR10 Def.of for bud.control-Obsol. table - don't use!
PFM_HR20 Wage type grouping definition
PFM_HR21 Wage type connection to wage type groupings
PFM_HR30 Funds assignment to personnel and wage type groups
PFM_HR40 Commitment item assignment to personnel and WT groups
PFM_HR50 Unclassified symbolic accounts
PFM_HR60 Budgetary code of RNAPs
PFM_12TCDF Operating costs classification - Obsolete table - don't use!
PFM_12TP55 FI: PA(HR) - param.G/L account (derivation)
PFM_12TP58 FI: PA - param.extra-budgetary advance payments
PFM_1TCRF Relationship between retention code and vendor
PFM_1TCTT Setup for transactions to be locked/unlocked
PFM_1TDVP Production variance analysis table
PFM_1TMAB Gross assets map table
PFM_1TODT Customizing table for chart Report other 3rd parties debts
PFM_1TRECO Validation table contract/commitment item
PFM_01_HIST01 Funds Center Legal Data Hist.- Obsolete table - don't use!