- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Claim Management (PS-CLM)
- Costs (PS-COS)
- Dates (PS-DAT)
- Document (PS-DOC)
- Expenditure Certification (PSM-EC)
- Functions for U.S. Federal Government (PSM-FG)
- Fund Accounting (PSM-FA)
- Funds Management (PSM-FM)
- Grants Management (PSM-GM)
- Information System (PS-IS)
- Material (PS-MAT)
- Payments (PS-CAF)
- Procurement for Public Sector (PSM-GPR)
- Progress (PS-PRG)
- Project Billing (PS-BIL)
- Project Demand (PS-DMN)
- Resources (PS-CRP)
- Revenues and Earnings (PS-REV)
- Simulation (PS-SIM)
- Structures (PS-ST)
- Virtual Data Model for Project System (PS-VDM)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Funds Management (PSM-FM)
ID: I150004901
Table | Description |
FMFG_SAV_GLIDXA | Saved GLIDXA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600 |
FMSPLITO | Object table 1 |
FMFYCVA | Value Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change |
FMCCFLOT | Commitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.) |
FMUSFGO | Object table 1 for US Federal Government |
FMCCFD | Fiscal Year Change Documents (FM) |
FMUSFGFACTS1O | Object table 1 |
FMUSFGFACTS2O | Object table 1 |
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGA | Saved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600 |
FMUSFGA | Actual line item table for US Federal Government. |
FMSPLITA | Actual line item table |
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1A | Saved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600 |
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2A | Saved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600 |
FMUSFGFACTS1A | 4Actual line item table |
FMUSFGFACTS2A | Actual line item table |
PFM_12TSLD_ML_FI | FI: balances table por legal maps |
PFM_12TD08 | Program execution log |
FMBLREGLOG | Safe the Runs of the Year-End Balancing Report |
PFM_12TFA03 | Year closing: financ.docs.data to pass to the new management |
FMUSFGFACTS1P | Plan line items table |
FMUSFGFACTS2P | Plan line items table |
FMUSFGP | Plan line items table |
FMSPLITP | Plan line items table |
/SAPF15/F15H | F15 Documents (Header Data History) |
FMSPLITT | Summary table |
FMTC_SCHNO | Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status |
FMUSFGT | Summary table for US Federal Government |
PFM_12TFA02 | Year closing: commitment data to pass to the new management |
FMUSFGFACTS1T | Summary table |
FMUSFGFACTS2T | Summary table |
PSBM_EVENT | PS Budget Monitoring Events |
/SAPF15/RM | |
FMFGAPASS | Accountable Property Assets Created w Value |
PFM_HRLINK | HR<->PFM link process management |
PFM_12TD07 | Bud.post. to accout.: items w.errors-Obs. table - don't use! |
FMSPLITC | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGC | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGFACTS1C | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGFACTS2C | Object table 2 |
FMFG_PO_SUBSET | ZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES |
FMFG_PO_ZEKKN | ZEKKN data for all FI items referencing service POs |
PFM_12TD10 | Budgetary document posting to accounting: document check |
FMIT_DIFF | Difference Table FMIT - Line Items Total |
FMPU_MIG_OPITEMS | Migration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Closed |
PSBM_ALERT | PS Budget Monitoring Alerts |
PFM_12TD12 | Budgetary document posting to accounting: item check |
FMFG_REPOST_CNTL | Document batching/control for SL Repost for ECC 600 migratio |
PFM_12TD06 | Budget posting to accounting: error log |
PFM_12TD11 | Budgetary document posting to accounting: error log |
FMSAPF048B_OUT | Reporting Table for Initial Archiving Run |
/SAPF15/FMIT | null |
PFM_12TD05 | Budget posting to accounting: document check |
PFM_12TDRET | Withholding Tax: Payments/Invoices |
FMFG_REPOST_ERR | Errors issued during SL repost for ECC 600 migration |
/SAPF15/EXTDATA | null |
PFM_12TFA04 | Year closing: docs.budg.classif.to pass to new management |
TBPBWRET20 | FM Plan Data Transfer Header Transfer |
PFM_TDPLC_RP_DC | CRR: credit release request data (item) (RP) |
FUMA_EVENT | Fund Management Events |
PFM_DUOD_H | Monthly Budget Posting Accouting: docs control |
/SAPF15/ZAHLSTLS | null |
FMRC07_WO_BUNDLE | Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI |
/SAPF15/F15 | null |
FMRC_SEL_KEY | Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents |
FMS200D_X | List Output for RFFMS200_BATCH_X |
/SAPF15/FMITB | null |
PFM_TDPLC_FUNDS | PLC: credit release request data (funds view) |
PFM_TDPLC_FUND_N | CRR: credit release request data (funds view) (CL) |
PFM_HRDOCS | Coverages and commitments of HR and FI integration |
FMFG_PO_CMMTSTR | Commitment string lookup table for SES ZEKKN correction |
FMFG_REPOST_RCLR | Reversed clearing documents for ECC 600 migration |
PFM_12TCTR_IMPRE | CA: document print control |
FMCCFLOTHD | Lot for Commitment Carryforward (Approval Procedure) |
/SAPF15/F15B01 | null |
/SAPF15/F15B02 | null |
/SAPF15/F15E02 | null |
/SAPF15/F15GJW | null |
FMTOBL | FI documents with FM to BL balance information |
FMPU_MIG_PAR | Parallel Processing of RFFM_MIG_OPEN_DB_ANA |
FMPU_MIG_RPITEMS | Migration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Reconstructed |
FMRCKEY | Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents |
FMFG_YBA_DELTA | FMFG: Year of Budget Authority - Timestamp |
/SAPF15/KZ | null |
FMARCPAR | Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH |
FMRC_RC_PAY | Results List: Documents: Bank/Clearing Acct Matching FM-FI |
PFM_1TDFI | Table of updated FI documents |
/SAPF15/KBLPS | null |
PFM_1TRR1 | Relation with RMS prog. - Revenue type, Commitm.item, POCAL |
FMTC_CHK_RANGE | Schedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation |
FMFG_YBA_AVC | FMFG: Year of Budget Authority - AVC |
/SAPF15/F15GJWVP | null |
/SAPF15/ELKOZM_V | null |
/SAPF15/ELKOZUVM | null |
PSBM_URULE_OBJ | Budget Monitoring User Rules Objects |
PFM_12THDO | Coverage data history for reprint |
FMFGF2MAF | FACTS2 MAF File for Edits |
PFM_12TD01 | FI: PA - authorization header data |
PFM_12TD02 | FI: PA - payment authorization item data |
PFM_TPDUOCO_REM | Twelfths: budget classification removal |
PFM_TPDUOCO | Monthly Budget: budget classification |
FMSPLIT_RULE | Distribution Rule for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
PFM_TDPLC_HDR | PLC: credit release request data (header) |
FMFGF2PREDC | Pre-edit C - Expired/Unexpired (FACTS II) |
PFM_PAP_LOG | PAP Log Table |
PFM_01_PCF | Funds Center Customizing |
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_C | null |
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_C | null |
PFM_TDPLC_POS | PLC: credit release request data (item) |
PFM_TDPLC_POS_NC | CRR: credit release request data (item) (CL) |
PFM_12TFA10 | Year End Close: Commitments not paid w/year end close doc |
PFM_TDTRANSF_HDR | Credit transfer: credit transfer data (header) |
PFM_1BSET | Document segment control data - auxiliary |
FMSPLIT_SPLIT | Distributions for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMUSFGF2_TRANS | Transfer Agency and Accounts |
FMGROUP | Group master data for fund |
FMUSERGROUP | User maintenance for group |
FMFGT_ALC | Agency Location Code - U.S. Federal Government |
FMFGT_PO | Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government |
TME_TOLS | Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance |
T023V | Fast Pay/Accelerated Pay table |
T023Y | Material Group for Fast Pay |
PFM_TPDUONT | Define Budget Keys Not Totalized by Set |
PFM_TPDUO_HIST | Twelfths: history - header |
PFM_TPPLC_FUND_N | Funds for CRR |
FMFGRCN_SUB_GRP | Reconciliation: Groups for Subtotal texts |
FMRCN_MAPPING | Field mapping definition |
FMBLREGGRU | Regualrization Groups |
PFM_TGO | Operational Managers |
PFM_TORGPRF | Organizational Profiles |
PFM_TPOIC | Operational Programs (European Initiatives) |
PFM_1TFORM | Information for form layout |
FMSPLIT_APROF | Action Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMSPLIT_AUTG | Authorization groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMSPLIT_DIST | Distribution methods for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMSPLIT_FPROF | Field Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMFG_RE_PMT_EXT | RECN Condition:Payment Term Extension |
PSBM_REPORT | Budget Monitoring Reports |
FMDPEF_FSTS_NM | Field selection string for FMDPEF |
FMDERIVE_TRIGGER | Triggers update of tables for the derivation tool |
FMTABADRH | Characteristic Derivation: Header |
/SAPF15/FMITWRTY | null |
/SAPF15/TVSL | F15 Processing Key |
FMLGD_H_TILG | Clearing Order for Additional Receivables |
FMLGD_H_VALTYP | Processing variant |
TBKRL | Bank Role in PRQ Payment Program |
TBKS | Super region |
TBKZW | Payment Method Group Dependency |
PFM_TDDUO_HIST | Twelfths: history - itens by ID |
PFM_PAP_BG | Control Table for Background PAP |
PFM_PAP_DETAIL | PAP Detail Table |
FMRC_BKPF | Reconciliation of Headers from FI |
FMRC_FMIFIIT | Reconciliation of Lines from FM |
FAGL_R_FM_ACCASS | Reorganization: Account Assignment Elements per FM Area |
PFM_1TMAC | Contract award methods |
PFM_1TTCT | Contract types |
PFM_1TPACT | Activity plan history per year |
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_S | null |
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_S | null |
FMFG_HEAD_INV | Header Data for Improper Invoices |
FMFGRCNPROVIDER | Reconciliation Tool Data Provider |
/SAPF15/F4TMP | null |
PSBM_RULES | Budget Monitoring Rules |
PSBM_USER_RULE | Budget Monitoring User Rules |
FMFGHASHVERS | Hash Code Version |
PFM_TPPROJ | Additional data funds - project |
FMFGRCNSLICE | Data slice for Reconciliation Tool |
FMFG_RE_PPA_EX | RECN Condition: PPA Exclude Flag |
/SAPF15/SM | F15 SEPA Mandate |
FMFGRCNGROUP | Reconciliation Group for Reconciliation Tool |
FMFGRCNRULE | Reconciliation: Reconcilation Rule definition |
FMSPLIT_GROUP | Rule Group for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMSPLIT_RULETP | Rule type for Rule-Based Account Distributions |
FMRC_BSEG | Reconciliation of Lines from FI |
PFM_TCAPI | Fund Center additional data - Chapter |
PFM_TDIVI | Fund Center additional data - Division |
PFM_TFFIN | Funds additional data - financing source |
PFM_TMEDI | Addit.data funds - measure |
PFM_TMINIS | Fund Center Additional Data - Ministries |
PFM_TPROG | Additional data funds - program |
PFM_TPROJ | Additional data funds - project |
PFM_TSECEST | Fund Center additional data - Secretaries of State |
PFM_TSUBD | Fund Center additional data - Sub-division |
PFM_TSUBPROJ | Additional data funds - project and subproject |
PFM_01TP25 | Fund Center additional data - Area |
PFM_01TP26 | Fund Center additional data - Services and independent funds |
PFM_01TP27 | Fund Center additional data - Organization |
PFM_01TP24 | Fund Center Additional Data - Ministries |
PFM_01TP46 | Fund Center additional data - Chapter |
PFM_01TP47 | Fund Center additional data - Division |
PFM_01TP48 | Fund Center additional data - Sub-division |
PFM_01TP55 | IS-PS: addit.fields budget - values budgetary transaction |
PFM_01TP45 | Funds additional data - financing source |
PFM_TPMEDI | Addit.data funds - measure |
PFM_TPPROG | Additional data funds - program |
T042F_FMFG_TC | Pmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf |
FMFGRCNSLICET | Reconciliation data slice text |
FMFGT_ALCT | Text Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov |
FMFGT_POT | Text table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government |
TBKST | Name of Super Region |
/SAPF15/CO_HKR_T | null |
/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_T | null |
FMRCN_MAPPINGT | Field mapping for recon tool text |
FMBLREGGRUT | Regualrization Groups |
FMTC_RFC | Table for Treasury Regional Financial Center |
FMFGTOLDCTYP | Document types for US Federal MM tolerances |
FUNDMSG | Fund message maintenance |
FMFGAPAAC | Account Assignment Categories for Acc. Property |
FMFGAPMT | Accountable Property Movement Types |
FMFGAPTR | Accountable Property Transaction Type |
FMFGT_SS01 | Payment Statistical Sampling Process Activation table |
FMFGT_SS03 | Statistical Sampling Clerk/Supervisor Relationship |
FMBUDACLD | Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment |
FMFGF2FADT | (FACTS II) Account Balance Definition Table |
FMFGT_DIT_FBT | List of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation |
FMTC_PMT_TYPE | Mapping table for Pmt Method to the Type of Pmt DME - TC |
FMFG_BL_BALACC | Budgetary Ledger balancing account for document split |
FM2BLACT1 | FM2BL - Activate of FM area and FM Budget Category |
FM2BLACTB | FM2BL - Activation of Budget Value Types |
FM2BLACTC | FM2BL - Activation of Commitment/Actual Value Types |
FM2BLTR1 | FM2BL - Define on FM area level |
FMKAFF_CTRL | FM-CO: Check Mode in FM for CO planning. |
FMT003 | Funds Management Flags for FI Document Type |
FMDERIVEFUNC | List of functions available in the FM Derivation tools |
FMAC2 | FM to FI - GL Account Assignment |
PFM_TACTIV | Additional data: funds - activity |
PFM_TPREC_PROPN | Outside funds - own revenue |
PFM_TPDUODO | Budget documents for 0 accounts and twelfths |
PFM_TP_DUO_BUKRS | Twelfths customizing per company code |
FMRCN_ASSIGN_MAP | assign Mapping to totals table |
FMFGRCNFACTOR | Reconciliation: Factors in a reconciliation rule |
PFM_12TPRET | Relation WTax code-Fields for retention doc |
PFM_12TFA11 | Year closing: doc.types FYC to generate for new mngm. |
PFM_12TFA01 | Year closing: information regarding management closing |
PFM_12TFA07 | Year closing: commitment setup of future years |
PFM_12TFAP | FI: PA - parameter data for form |
PFM_12TOTR | Relation WTax code-Commitment item TO revenue for payments |
PFM_12TP28 | FI: budget.docs.posting to accounting: composite processes |
PFM_12TP53 | Additional periods |
PFM_TCSS_GF | Vendor accounts groups exempt Social Security validation |
FMBLREGCCO | Regularization per Fiscal Year and Compeny Code |
FMBLEXTFA | Substitute BL Doc Types |
FMCOMB | Define Combined Documents |
FMCOMBH | Additional lines in BL for Combined Documents |
FMCOMBK | Additional lines in BL for Combined Documents - Header |
FMBLEXTACB | Activation of BL Ext for Value Type - Budgets |
FMBLEXTACC | Activation of BL Ext for Value Type - Commitments / Actuals |
FMBLEXTFLD | Field Selection for Derivation Tool in BL Ext - Field Name |
FMBLEXTFMA | Selection of fields to be moved in FI for BL Ext - FM Areas |
FMBLEXTSTR | Field Selection for Derivation Tool in BL Ext - Structures |
FMBLSPLITLEDGER | Assign split ledger to BL extension |
FMBLBASIC | Budgetary Ledger Basic Settings |
FMFG_BLART_EXCL | Document types excl. from BL source and posting type check |
PFM_TPOIC_GO | Assignment of Operational Managers to Programs |
PFM_TTCOMP | Transaction Codes for Commitments |
PFM_TTFRES | Transaction Codes for Funds Reservation |
FMSPLIT_APROF_A | Actions in Rule-Based Account Distributions Action Profile |
FMFGRODP | Reimbursable Orders relevant for automatic Downpayment |
FMFGROYE | Reimbursable Orders : Year-End closing |
PSBM_TEXTS | PS Budget Monitoring text objects |
FMDPEF_BLARTFSTS | Assign Document Type to Fieldstatus |
FMDPEF_FSTS | Fieldstatus FMDPEF |
FMDPEF_FSTS_SAP | Fieldstatus FMDPEF SAP delivered |
FMDERIVE_SETS | Sets for different Strategies |
FMFG_PEROP_SDACT | Period of Performance for Sales & Distribution Activation |
PFM_12TP43 | PS: additional fields by change group |
PFM_1TCOC | Compound processes - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_1TCOS | Simple processes indicators - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_1TFRE | Parishes |
PFM_1TMDA | Award method |
PFM_1TOPC | Compound processes - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_1TOPS | Simple processes - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_TPITSTA01 | Document types for budget statistics update |
FM01W | Company Code-Dependent Assignment of FM Area Currency |
FM01X | Managing Preliminary Developments |
FMCO_ACC_TO_FM | Log Changes to Assignment of Account Assignments CO - FM |
FMREAS_INDEX_FC | Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items |
FMREAS_STRATS | Maintain Assignment Strategy for FM Area and Fiscal Year |
FMTABADRHT | Characteristic Derivation: Header - Texts |
FMFYCC | FM Closing Operations: Customizing Settings |
/SAPF15/F4DOCTYP | null |
/SAPF15/FMITBACT | null |
/SAPF15/TABLT | F15 General Settings |
/SAPF15/TAO2VSL | null |
/SAPF15/TAZV | null |
/SAPF15/TBA2VSL | null |
/SAPF15/TELKOVSL | null |
/SAPF15/TKZNKR | null |
/SAPF15/TKZNKRH | null |
/SAPF15/TMV2VSL | null |
/SAPF15/TRMBLART | null |
/SAPF15/TRMICON | null |
/SAPF15/TXFRGE | null |
BPREP_DIM_ASS | Assign Account Assignments |
BPREP_DIM_ASS_C | Assign Account Assignments - Customer-Specific Assignments |
BPREP_HRFPM_BCS | Variants of Budget Creation for PBC |
FMLGD_H_CUST | Note to Payee Control |
FMLGD_H_GRPNR | Folder Variants for Grouping Turnover |
FMLGD_H_MSGNR | Message Control |
FMLGD_H_VG_01_01 | Budget Type 01: Customer Down Payment |
FMLGD_H_VG_02_01 | Posting Type 02: Vendor Down Payment |
FMLGD_H_VG_03_01 | Posting Type 03: G/L Account Debit Posting |
FMLGD_H_VG_04_01 | Posting Type 04: G/L Account Credit Posting |
FMEXPERT_MODE | Activate Expert Mode for EA-PS Reports |
FMCHECK_YEAR | Obsolete Table |
TBKCB | House Bank per Currency |
TBKCR | House Bank per Super Region and Currency |
TBKLA | Maximum Payment Amount for each House Bank (limit amount) |
TBKWT | Processing Time per Country |
TTRCD | Intermediate accts and min. balances for cash concentration |
PFM_T001 | Company Attributes |
PFM_12TP02 | FI: PA - parameter Number range |
PFM_12TP22 | CA: parameter Print (forms and programs) |
PFM_12TP52 | FI: PA - param.CRE (derivation) |
PFM_12TP57 | FI: PA - parameter Advance payments |
PFM_12TPAP_OP | FI: PA - payment authorization proposal options |
PFM_TDDUOVENC | Twelfths: last period and due values sum |
PFM_TPDUOF | Twelfths: earmarked funds |
PFM_TPDUOL | Twelfths: limits fixed by law |
PFM_TPPLC_CUST_N | CRR Customizing (CL) |
PFM_TPPLC_FUNDS | PLC - outside funds |
PFM_TPPLC_LANC | FI accounting for PLC: postings (keys and accounts) |
PFM_TPPLC_LANC_N | FI Accounting for CRR: Postings (Keys and Accounts) (CL) |
PFM_TPTD | FI accounting: document types |
PFM_1TCTD | Control table for document types |
PFM_ASS_ACT | ASS Solution Activation |
FMFGGTASACBLDEF | GTAS Account Balance Definition |
FMFGUSKONTKEY | Key for US Account Assignments |
FMFG_R_DERIV_R | Reports using FMFG Derivation: Receiver fields |
/SAPF15/KZPRAEF | null |
/SAPF15/LOESCHTA | null |
/SAPF15/_HKR4_FC | null |
FMTABADR | Characteristic Derivation: Strategies |
PFM_01TP28 | Fund C. addit. data-Sec.of State-Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_01_COR01 | Legal Data Correspondence - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_12TFA05 | Year closing: FI document setup |
PFM_12TFA06 | Year clos.: relationship G/L account open w/new sp.G/L ind. |
PFM_12TFA08 | Year closing: post.key derivation for new management docs. |
PFM_12TFA09 | Year closing: doc.types earm.funds to generate for new mngm. |
PFM_12TP34 | EA-PS: types of budget documents for automatic creation |
PFM_12TPRET_VER | Relation WTax code-Use old version (program PFM_12FIBI03) |
PFM_1TCNT | Table for contract management - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_1TECT | Relation table commitment items POCAL accounts |
PFM_1TFCT | Forms of contracts |
PFM_TPLANC | FI accounting: postings (keys and accounts) |
PFM_TTCCH | Transactions codes for precommitments |
/SAPF15/BEW_KZ | null |
/SAPF15/BEW_KZ_H | null |
PFM_01TP103 | ARF: transaction type for repayment record - SAP exclusive |
PFM_01TP104 | ARF: transaction type for fixed assets record-SAP exclusive |
PFM_01TP110 | ARF: asset chart type by asset class - SAP exclusive |
PFM_01TP30 | Additional data: funds - functional classification |
PFM_01TP31 | Additional data: funds - activity |
PFM_01TP60 | Asset: asset class general classifier - SAP exclusive |
PFM_01TP97 | Asset: acq.trans. type-SAP exc.- Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_01TPTCO | Budget classification type |
PFM_HR01 | Activate derivation rules for budget key in HR |
PFM_HR10 | Def.of pers.group. for bud.control-Obsol. table - don't use! |
PFM_HR20 | Wage type grouping definition |
PFM_HR21 | Wage type connection to wage type groupings |
PFM_HR30 | Funds assignment to personnel and wage type groups |
PFM_HR40 | Commitment item assignment to personnel and WT groups |
PFM_HR50 | Unclassified symbolic accounts |
PFM_HR60 | Budgetary code of RNAPs |
PFM_12TCDF | Operating costs classification - Obsolete table - don't use! |
PFM_12TP55 | FI: PA(HR) - param.G/L account (derivation) |
PFM_12TP58 | FI: PA - param.extra-budgetary advance payments |
PFM_1TCRF | Relationship between retention code and vendor |
PFM_1TCTT | Setup for transactions to be locked/unlocked |
PFM_1TDVP | Production variance analysis table |
PFM_1TMAB | Gross assets map table |
PFM_1TODT | Customizing table for chart Report other 3rd parties debts |
PFM_1TRECO | Validation table contract/commitment item |
PFM_01_HIST01 | Funds Center Legal Data Hist.- Obsolete table - don't use! |