F15 SEPA Mandate | #masterdata | Component: Funds Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
BUKRS Company Code
BELNR Document Number of an Accounting Document
GJAHR Fiscal Year
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ERSDA Created On
ERZET Entry time
LAEDA Date of Last Change
AEZET Time last change was made
Column Name Description
SM_ZM_ART Payment and Mandate Type Show values
HERKUNFT Source of SEPA Mandate Document Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SM_STATUS Document Status /SAPF15/STATUS
ERNAM Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object USNAM
AENAM Name of Person Who Changed Object USNAM
MGUID SEPA Mandate: GUID of Mandate
MNDID Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee ID035
CGUID Globally Unique Identifier
SM_MNDID Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee ID035
SM_ZNAME Payer, Name (Account Holder) /SAPF15/CHAR35
SM_ZADRESSE Payer, Street and House Number or PO Box /SAPF15/CHAR35
SM_ZPLZ Payer, Postal Code
SM_ZORT Payer, Location /SAPF15/CHAR35
SM_ZLKZ Country/Region Key LAND1
SM_BIC SWIFT/BIC for International Payments SWIFT
SM_IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number) IBAN
SM_GLAEUBIGER Creditor Identification Number ID035
SM_SIGN_CITY Location of Signature TEXT40
SM_SIGN_DATE F15 SEPA Mandate, Date of Signature
SM_SNAME Debtor Name /SAPF15/CHAR35