Procurement for Public Sector (PSM-GPR)

Table Description
/SAPPSPRO/EADD Purchasing Document Header: Additional Data
/SAPPSPRO/RMRL Relationships to records in Records Management
/SAPPSPRO/C_DOC IBU-PS: Customizing Table to determine Document Type usage
/SAPPSPRO/SEMALD Assignment of AL document types to Semantic classification
/SAPPSPRO/A_DESC Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP attachment in RM
/SAPPSPRO/DESCR Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP element in RM
/SAPPSPRO/I_DESC Contains descriptions of a SRM/EBP item in RM
/SAPPSPRO/RM1 Record models SP
/SAPPSPRO/RM2 Service Provider for SRM Objects
/SAPPSPRO/RM4 Leading table for R/3 connection view
/SAPPSPRO/RM5 Maintain R/3 connections and logical systems
/SAPPSPRO/SRVCLC Activate Recalculation of Gross Price in ML81N
/SAPPSPRO/C_GPF Customizing Activation of Government Procurement Functions
/SAPPSPRO/IF_CC IBU-PS: Incremntl Fundng - Active Comp Codes & Purch Doc Cat
/SAPPSPRO/IF_DT IBU-PS: Incremental Funding Purchasing Document Types
/SAPPSPRO/IF_TH Incremental Funding: Customizing for GR/IR Thresholds
/SAPPSPRO/TGMEMF Guaranteed Minimum: Earmarked Fund document type maintenance
/SAPPSPRO/LNACT Long procurement document number active