Migration of Payment Update: Doc. Bundle to Be Closed | #transactional | Component: Funds Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
BUKRS Company Code
BELNR Document Number of an Accounting Document
GJAHR Fiscal Year
BUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
DB_NUMBER Sequence Number of Document Bundle
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
AUGDT Clearing Date
Column Name Description
CLIND Completed Indicator for Document Bundle Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
AUGBL Document Number of the Clearing Document BELNR
KUNNR Customer Number KUNNR
LIFNR Account Number of Supplier LIFNR
HKONT General Ledger Account SAKNR
REBZG Document No. of the Invoice to Which the Transaction Belongs BELNR
REBZJ Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) GJAHR
REBZZ Line Item in the Relevant Invoice BUZEI
REBZT Follow-On Document Type REBZT
TEXT Error Text for Reconstruction CHAR100
LCOL 3-Byte field CHAR3