Central Cash Desk Procedure (PSM-FG-TC)

ID: ALN0000205
Table Description
FMFGT_IPACED US Federal IPACed transaction information
FMFGT_IPACED_ID US Federal IPACed transaction information
FMFGT_IPAC_STATS US Federal IPAC interface process status table
FMFG_PPA_INV_LN Reason Codes for Accounting Documents (Item Level)
FMTC_REJ_RANGE Schedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation
FMFGT_IPACD_PMS IPACed Auto Doc Creation - Payment Method Suppl for Invoice
FMFGT_IPCD_BLRT Document Type for Auto Creation of IPACed Invoices
FMFG_TC_MRG_D Treasury Confirmation Merged Configuration Defaults
FMFG_ZLSCH_0D Payment method for zero dollar transactions
FMFGT_IPAC_FLAG US Federal IPAC function activation flag table
FMFGT_IPAC_ACCT List of DIT & FBT Accounts for IPAC Interface Process
FMFG_PPA_LOG_ATT Activate U.S. Federal PPA message log