US Prompt Payment Act (PSM-FG-PP)

ID: ALN0000204
Table Description
FMFG_PPA_INVSTAT PPA Invoice Status Table
FMFG_PPA_INV_HIS PPA Invoice Status Change History
FMFGT_EXCL Invoice exclusion table for Fast Pay
FMFGT_SS04 Payment Statistical Sampling Proc. Batch/certify Dates
FMFG_PPA_INV_HD PPA invoice header information (reason codes)
T023U Reason codes for interest penalties
FMFG_PPA_LINK Link the application log to an Invoice (PPA)
T023UT Reason code texts for T023U with language key
T023B Minimum &maximum amount of interest penalties
T023C New document types for Prompt Payment Act
T023P Mapping of material groups to terms of payment keys
T043U Negative grace period
FMFG_INVSTAGES Invoice Stages Activation
T023N Maximum amount
T023Q Fast/Accelerated Pay Payment Term
T023E Invoice line item handling rules
T023G Activate company code dependent U.S. Federal functionality
FMFG_PPA_ADV_ZTM Prompt Payment Act Most Advantageous Payment Term Method