- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Business Accounting (FIN-BAC)
- Business Analytics (FIN-BA)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Corporate Governance (FIN-CGV)
- Financial Shared Service Center (FIN-SSC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Financials Basis (FIN-FB)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CAX)
- Lease Accounting (FI-LA)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- ACR Activities (FI-LOC-VAT)
- Audit Reporting (FI-LOC-AUR)
- Cash Budgeting (FI-LOC-CB)
- Cash Management (FI-LOC-CM)
- Certification (FI-LOC-CER)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-LOC-CA)
- Corporate Income Tax Framework (FI-LOC-CIT)
- Financials - UIs Localization (FI-LOC-UX)
- Globalization Service: Business Place (FI-LOC-BUP)
- Golden Audit Interface (FI-LOC-GAI)
- Golden Tax Interface (China) (FI-LOC-GTI)
- Localization Asset Accounting (FI-LOC-AA)
- Localization E-Payment Integration (FI-LOC-EPI)
- Localization Financials (FI-LOC-FI)
- Localization Financials (generic parts) (FI-LOC-GEN)
- Localization Financials Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-FRW)
- Localization Funds Management (FI-LOC-FM)
- Localization Logistics (FI-LOC-LO)
- Logistics Argentinia (FI-LOC-LO-AR)
- Logistics Brazil (FI-LOC-LO-BR)
- Logistics Bulgaria (FI-LOC-LO-BG)
- Logistics Chile (FI-LOC-LO-CL)
- Logistics Croatia (FI-LOC-LO-HR)
- Logistics Estonia (FI-LOC-LO-EE)
- Logistics Greece (FI-LOC-LO-GR)
- Logistics India (FI-LOC-LO-IN)
- Logistics Israel (FI-LOC-LO-IL)
- Logistics Japan (FI-LOC-LO-JP)
- Logistics Latvia (FI-LOC-LO-LV)
- Logistics Lithuania (FI-LOC-LO-LT)
- Logistics Netherlands (FI-LOC-LO-NL)
- Logistics Portugal (FI-LOC-LO-PT)
- Logistics Romania (FI-LOC-LO-RO)
- Logistics Russia (FI-LOC-LO-RU)
- Localization Public Sector (FI-LOC-PS)
- Localization Tax Service (FI-LOC-TXS)
- Localization Travel Management (FI-LOC-TV)
- Localization for Sales and Distribution (FI-LOC-SD)
- Localization for Treasury (FI-LOC-TRM)
- Localization for Utilities Industry (FI-LOC-UT)
- Online Validation Framework (FI-LOC-OVF)
- Payment Receipt (FI-LOC-PR)
- SAF-T Reporting (Generic Part) (FI-LOC-SAF)
- Statutory Reporting (FI-LOC-IS)
- Statutory Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-SRF)
- Tax Invoice Management (FI-LOC-TIM)
- VAT Pro Rata (FI-LOC-RAT)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4H Best Practices - Content and Content Activation (FI-CNT)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Strategic Enterprise Management (FIN-SEM)
- Tax Management Framework (FIN-TMF)
- Travel Management (FI-TV)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Logistics India (FI-LOC-LO-IN)
ID: EBJ0000116
T-Code | Description | Tables |
CIN_BP_CONFIG | To Maintain CIN details | 1 |
FIWTIN_SCEGC | TAN for Section code group | 11 |
FIWTIN_SCEGV | TAN for Section code group | 10 |
J1I0 | Customizing wizard | 15 |
J1I2 | Sales Tax Register | 29 |
J1I3 | Modvat utilzation in batch | 11 |
J1I5 | Register creation for RG23 and RG1 | 27 |
J1I57AE | New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE | 16 |
J1I6 | Modvat forecast | 24 |
J1I7 | Query Excise invoices | 5 |
J1I8 | TDS Challan Update | 12 |
J1IA | Excise Invoice Details | 47 |
J1IANX18 | Pro Forma of Running Bond Account | 3 |
J1IANX19 | Export of Excisable Goods | 9 |
J1IARE_AGE | Aging Analysis for ARE Documents | 5 |
J1IB | Excise Verification And Posting | 32 |
J1IBN01 | Create Excise Bond | 6 |
J1IBN02 | Change Excise Bond | 6 |
J1IBN03 | Display Excise Bond | 6 |
J1IBN04 | Cancel Excise Bond | 6 |
J1IBN05 | Close Excise Bond | 6 |
J1IBONSUM | Bond Summary Report | 2 |
J1IC194C | Annual Return under section 194c | 14 |
J1IC194D | Annual Return under section 194d | 14 |
J1IC194I | Annual Return under section 194i | 14 |
J1IC194J | Annual Return under section 194J | 14 |
J1ICANCINV | Cancel Invoice | 1 |
J1ICCAN | Certificate cancel (Classical) | 4 |
J1ICCERT | Certificate Print -Regular Vendors | 19 |
J1ICOTV | Certificate Print-One time vendors | 19 |
J1ICREP | Certificate Reprint(Classical) | 14 |
J1ID | Rate maint & amend open po's/so's | 7 |
J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 | Depot stock with balances | 3 |
J1IDEPOT_VAL | Depot Balance stock duty | 9 |
J1IF | Subcontracting | 19 |
J1IG | RG23D register receipt at depot | 31 |
J1IGA | Additional Excise Entry at Depot | 10 |
J1IGAD | Additional Excise at Depot Display | 10 |
J1IGAR7 | Capture - GAR7 Information | 7 |
J1IGDCSGSTR1 | Download Outward Supply Details | 11 |
J1IGDCSGSTR2 | Download Inward Supply Details | 9 |
J1IGEBILL | T.Code Eway Bill Report program | 1 |
J1IGINTRASTO | Delivery challan for intrastate STO | 9 |
J1IGIRN | Link IRN details to Document | 2 |
J1IGJV | Journal Voucher | 10 |
J1IGRECON | Subcontracting Reconciliation(India) | 18 |
J1IGREVREC | Subcon. Challan Recon Rev. (India) | 5 |
J1IGREVRECON | GST India:SC Reconciliation Reversal | 5 |
J1IGSUBCON | Subcon. Challan/Invoice (India) | 22 |
J1IGSUBREP | Subcontracting Display report | 6 |
J1IGSUPREV | Vendor Tax Credit Reversal Report | 5 |
J1IGTABANK | GTA Bank Update | 2 |
J1IGTACHLN | GTA Challan creation | 29 |
J1IGTCSJV | Journal Voucher for TCS | 3 |
J1IG_GST_HC | GST Reporting Readiness Check | 23 |
J1IG_ISD | Input Service Distribution | 5 |
J1IG_ISDN | GST IN: ISD Distribution & Posting | 6 |
J1IH | Create Excise JV | 54 |
J1IHBK | Copy House Bank ID from Invoice | 4 |
J1IIEXCP | Sales Excise Invoice Exceptions | 4 |
J1IIN | Outgoing Excise Invoice | 51 |
J1IJ | Excise invoice selec. at depot sale | 32 |
J1IK | Selection of Excise Invoice - Common | 10 |
J1ILIC01 | License : Capture | 16 |
J1ILIC02 | License : Change | 16 |
J1ILIC03 | License : Display | 16 |
J1ILIC04 | License : Cancel | 16 |
J1ILIC05 | License : Close | 16 |
J1ILICSUM | Deemed Export License Summary | 4 |
J1IME2W | Open Orders- PO & Scheduling Agrmnt | 10 |
J1IME3M | Open Orders- Contract | 13 |
J1IMGCN | Update Tax code in Contracts | 8 |
J1IMGPO | Update Tax code in Purchase Orders | 8 |
J1INAR | Annual Returns | 32 |
J1INC | Tax Deduction at Source: Classic | 22 |
J1INCC | Print Customer WH Tax Certificates | 39 |
J1INCHLC | Challan Number Updation - Customers | 35 |
J1INEMIS | Withholding Tax Info. System India | 31 |
J1INMIS | Withholding Tax Information System | 19 |
J1INQEFILE | Quarterly E-returns (India) | 47 |
J1IO | Retrospective price amendments | 6 |
J1IP | Excise invoice print | 3 |
J1IPUR | Purchase Register - India | 20 |
J1IQ | Year-End IT Depreciation Report | 15 |
J1IR | Data Download | 16 |
J1IS | Excise invoice for other movements | 36 |
J1ISAL | Sales Register - India | 16 |
J1IST | Service Category Maintenance | 1 |
J1IST3 | Transaction code for ST3 | 18 |
J1ISTREV | Service Tax Credit Reversal (India) | 9 |
J1IU | Forms capture | 15 |
J1IUN | Forms tracking | 14 |
J1IV | Excise post & print for others mvmts | 31 |
J1IW | Excise Invoice without PO | 25 |
J1IX | Excise Invoice Verification WO PO | 28 |
J1_MASSPO | Mass Maintenance: Temporary Pricing | 34 |
J2I5 | Extract | 42 |
J2I8 | Avail.of subs credit for Cap Goods | 15 |
J2I9 | New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE | 16 |
J2IB | Service tax challan | 4 |
J2IC | Service tax returns | 1 |
J2IE | View Archived TDS documents | 5 |
J2IER1 | Monthly er1 report | 27 |
J2IF | Display document flow | 11 |
J2IN | New RT-12 Report | 23 |
J2IR23D | Register RG23D | 43 |
J2IRAP1 | Print RG23A Part1 | 43 |
J2IRAP2 | Print RG23A Part2 | 43 |
J2IRCP1 | Register RG23C part1 | 43 |
J2IRCP2 | Register RG23C Part2 | 43 |
J2IRG1 | Register RG1 | 44 |
J2IRPLA | Register PLA | 43 |
J2IU | Fortnightly Utilization | 13 |
J2IUN | Monthly utilization | 20 |
J_1IG_DCSDATA | Download DCS data into Excel | 9 |
J_1IG_INV | Create GST Inb. Inv. for STO Process | 12 |
J_1IG_ITC04 | ITC04 Report Transaction | 20 |
LOIN_CV_MD_MIG | Cust./Vend. MD Migration (India) | 4 |
FIWTIN_TANCUST | Customer TAN exemption | 0 |
FIWTIN_TANVEND | Vendor TAN exemption | 0 |
J1I9 | Number ranges for excise invoice | 0 |
J1IA101 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure | 0 |
J1IA102 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure | 0 |
J1IA103 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure | 0 |
J1IA104 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure | 0 |
J1IA301 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure | 0 |
J1IA302 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure | 0 |
J1IA303 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure | 0 |
J1IA304 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure | 0 |
J1IE | Number range maintenance: J_1ITDSNO | 0 |
J1IEX | Incoming Excise Invoices | 0 |
J1IEX_BO | Outgoing Excise Invoices for Exports | 0 |
J1IEX_C | Capture Incoming Excise Invoices | 0 |
J1IEX_P | Post Incoming Excise Invoices | 0 |
J1IEX_SFAC | Incoming Exc Inv Field Selection | 0 |
J1IGTCSMM | Maintain TCS Relevance for Prmnt. | 0 |
J1IG_ODN | Maintain GST Number Range | 0 |
J1IL | India Localization | 0 |
J1IM | Maintain Excise Number Range | 0 |
J1INACKN | Maintain Acknowledgement Numbers | 0 |
J1ITCMAP | Map tax Codes | 0 |
J1ITDUE | Payment Due date customising | 0 |
J1IY | Maintain W.taxcode and Section . | 0 |
J1IZ | Maintain W. Tax Section info. | 0 |
J2I0 | Asset Installation | 0 |
J2I6 | Print Utility | 0 |
J2I7 | CIN: SAPScript reporting customizing | 0 |
J2ID | Archive TDS documents | 0 |
S_AL0_96000099 | IMG activity: J_1IREGSET | 0 |
S_AL0_96000102 | IMG activity: J_1IEXGRPS | 0 |
S_AL0_96000103 | IMG activity: J_1IWRKCUS | 0 |
S_AL0_96000104 | IMG activity: J_1ISRGRPS | 0 |
S_AL0_96000105 | IMG activity: J_1IEXCDEF | 0 |
S_AL0_96000108 | IMG activity: J_1IMINBAL | 0 |
S_AL0_96000109 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_SFAC | 0 |
S_AL0_96000110 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_CUST_ACT | 0 |
S_AL0_96000111 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_CUST_REF | 0 |
S_AL0_96000112 | IMG activity: J_1IREJMAS | 0 |
S_AL0_96000113 | IMG activity: J_1IMVMT | 0 |
S_AL0_96000116 | IMG activity: J_1IEXCREF | 0 |
S_AL0_96000118 | IMG activity: J_1IEXSRDET | 0 |
S_AL0_96000119 | IMG activity: J_1IJ1I9 | 0 |
S_AL0_96000120 | IMG activity: J_1IVTTXID | 0 |
S_AL0_96000121 | IMG activity: J_1IMESG | 0 |
S_AL0_96000122 | IMG activity: J_1IVFRTYP | 0 |
S_AL0_96000123 | IMG activity: J_2ILAYCTR | 0 |
S_AL0_96000153 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000172 | IMG activity: J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK | 0 |
S_AL0_96000173 | IMG activity: J_1IEWT_MIGRATE | 0 |
S_AL0_96000174 | IMG activity: J_1ITDSSEC | 0 |
S_AL0_96000175 | IMG activity: J_1ITDSTXC | 0 |
S_AL0_96000176 | IMG activity: J_1ITDSDUE | 0 |
S_AL0_96000180 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000182 | IMG activity: J_1IEWTHKONT1 | 0 |
S_AL0_96000187 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000221 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000256 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000258 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000283 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000284 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000285 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000286 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000326 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000327 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000328 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000329 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000330 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000366 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000367 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000808 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000811 | - | 0 |
S_AL0_96000828 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000276 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000277 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000278 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000389 | Define Exemption Reasons | 0 |
S_EB5_05000390 | T | 0 |
S_EB5_05000449 | PO Mass Maintenance: Temporary Prici | 0 |
S_EB5_05000607 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000663 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000706 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000716 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000720 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000721 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000981 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000982 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000983 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000984 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000985 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000986 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000987 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000988 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000989 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000990 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000991 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000992 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000993 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000995 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000996 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000997 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000041 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000042 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000043 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000044 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000046 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000059 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000060 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000061 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000062 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000063 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000064 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000065 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000066 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000067 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000097 | Report J_1I_ST3 | 0 |
S_EBS_44000104 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000105 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000106 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000107 | - | 0 |
S_EBS_44000483 | Program J_1IER1 | 0 |
S_EBS_44000485 | Report J_1I_GTA_CHALLAN_CREATE | 0 |
S_EBS_44000486 | Report J_1I_GTA_BANK_UPDATE | 0 |
S_EBS_44000563 | Depot Quarterly Returns | 0 |
S_ER9_52000743 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000792 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000917 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000918 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52000960 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001016 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001017 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001027 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001028 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001029 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001030 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001031 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001053 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001726 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52001727 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002062 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002332 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002345 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002363 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002400 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_52002759 | IMG Activity EDOC_IN_MAP_VPA | 0 |
S_ER9_52002893 | IMG Activity IDIND_CR_V_C_CR | 0 |
S_ER9_52002894 | IMG Activity IDIND_CR_V_AS | 0 |
S_P7D_67000049 | - | 0 |
S_P7D_67000107 | - | 0 |
S_PCO_36000389 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000030 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000031 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000057 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000058 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000059 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000172 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000252 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000257 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000300 | - | 0 |