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- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
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SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
ID: ER98000011
T-Code | Description | Tables |
FINSTF_MIG_BKBP | Mapping Bank to Business Partner | 26 |
FINSTF_MIG_CLEAR_USR | Clear User of Migration Customizing | 2 |
FINSTF_MIG_COCODE | SD-FT and TRM company code mapping | 6 |
FINSTF_MIG_CUST_CHCK | Check Trade Finance Mig. Customizing | 4 |
FINSTF_MIG_FINISH | Set TF mig. status to "Completed" | 2 |
FINSTF_MIG_POST_ACT | Post processes of TF migration | 10 |
FINSTF_MIG_RECON_RCD | Reconcile Risk Check Decisions | 11 |
FINS_MASS_LOG_DRIVER | Mass Data Framework: Log Driver | 2 |
FINS_MIGRATION | Migrate and Enrich Documents | 9 |
FINS_MIG_AFA | Initial Depreciation Calculation | 9 |
FINS_MIG_CHECK_GCM | Check consistency GL acct/Cost elem | 20 |
FINS_MIG_CHECK_MK3 | Reconcile Documented CreditDecisions | 5 |
FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CHCK | Check Credit Mgmt Customizing | 4 |
FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CUST | Migrate Credit Mgmt Customizing | 4 |
FINS_MIG_DLT | Data Migration UJ: Aggregate Deltas | 9 |
FINS_MIG_DLT_RESET | SAP AC: Reset Migration of Balances | 9 |
FINS_MIG_DUE | Fill Due Dates in FI Documents | 9 |
FINS_MIG_FINISH | Set migration status to "FINISHED" | 5 |
FINS_MIG_GCM | G/L Acc. and Cost Elem. Merge | 9 |
FINS_MIG_GKONT | Fill Offsetting Account | 9 |
FINS_MIG_GL_ALLOC | Migration of GL Allocations | 54 |
FINS_MIG_GL_AL_MIG | GL Allocation Migration | 9 |
FINS_MIG_INIT_COLD | Transfer Data to Cold DB Area | 9 |
FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST | Migration of Ledger Customizing | 47 |
FINS_MIG_MK1 | Credit Mgmnt Master Data Migration | 9 |
FINS_MIG_MK2 | Credit Mgmnt Exposure Migration | 9 |
FINS_MIG_MK3 | Initialize Credit Management DCDs | 9 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR | AC on HANA: Data Migration Monitor | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AAA | Monitor Asset Accounting Activation | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AFA | Monitor Initial Depreciation Calcul. | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CCS | Monitor Customizing Settings Check | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CLD | Cold DB Area Transfer Monitor | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DLT | Migration Monitor UJ: Aggregate Delt | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DUE | Show Status of Due Dates Migration | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCC | Monitor G/L Acc. and Cost Elm. Check | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCM | Monitor G/L Acc. and Cost Elm. Merge | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GKO | Show Status of Offsetting Account | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK1 | Credit Mgmnt Master Status | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK2 | Credit Mgmnt Exposure Status | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK3 | Display Status of DCD Initialization | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_NZP | Monitor Near Zero Downtime Prep. | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC0 | Monitor Analysis of Transact. Data | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC1 | Monitor Reconciliation | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC2 | Monitor Check of Documents | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC3 | Monitor Check of Journal Entry | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4 | Monitor Check of Balances | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC5 | Monitor check FI-AA Balances (AFAR) | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RGC | Monitor Repair G/L Acc. | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF1 | Trd finance Master Status | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF2 | Trd finance Assgmt Status | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_TF3 | Trd finance RCD Status | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_UJ | AC on HANA: Migration Monitor UJ | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MONI_GL_AL | GL Allocation Migration | 5 |
FINS_MIG_MSG_TRA | Transport Accepted Error Messages | 2 |
FINS_MIG_REGENERATE | SAP AC on HANA: Regenerate Views | 45 |
FINS_MIG_RGC | Repair G/L Accounts | 9 |
FINS_MIG_STATUS | Start and Monitor Migration | 10 |
FINS_MIG_TF1 | L/C Master Data Migration | 9 |
FINS_MIG_TF2 | Trade Finance Assignment Migration | 9 |
FINS_MIG_TF3 | Trade Finance RCD Initialization | 9 |
FINS_MIG_UJ | SAP AC on HANA: Data Migration UJ | 9 |
FINS_MIG_UJ_RESET | SAP AC: Reset Data Migration UJ | 9 |
FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_GE | Mass Data Cockpit: Gen. Projects | 4 |
FINS_MPROJ_COMPL_WRP | Wrapper transaction Complete Project | 1 |
FINS_MPROJ_FINIS_WRP | Wrapper transaction Confirm DT | 1 |
FINS_MPROJ_RELEA_WRP | Wrapper transaction Complete Prepar. | 1 |
FINS_MPROJ_STAT_OVW | Overview about project status | 9 |
FINS_RECONCILE | Reconciliation of FI-Documents | 6 |
FINS_RECON_RC0 | Analysis of Transactional Data | 9 |
FINS_RECON_RC1 | Reconciliation of Transactional Data | 9 |
FINS_RECON_RC2 | Check Migration of Documents | 9 |
FINS_RECON_RC3 | Check Migration into Journal Entry | 9 |
FINS_RECON_RC4 | Check Migration of Balances | 9 |
FINS_RECON_RC5 | Check FI-AA Balances after AFAR | 9 |
FIN_CORR_DISPLAY | Display Recon. Result for S/4HANA | 3 |
UKM_MIG_FINISH | Finish FSCM CM migration to S/4 HANA | 13 |
FB_MIG_HBA_COCKPIT | House Bank Account Migration Cockpit | 0 |
FGL_MIG_SOURCE | Def. Source Ledger for Migr. Balance | 0 |
FINS_MASSF_CUST | MDF: Sets, Steps, and Factories | 0 |
FINS_MASS_LOG_SHOW | Mass Data Framework: Show Log | 0 |
FINS_MIG_KNKK_CUST | Settings for Credit Migration | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COCKPIT | Cockpit Mass Data Processing | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_06 | Cockpit: Impl. of Document Splitting | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COCKPI_40 | Cockpit: Manage Currencies | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COCKP_WRP | Wrapper transaction Cockpit | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COMPLETE | Complete Project | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COMPLE_06 | Complete Project | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_COMPLE_40 | Complete Project | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_FINISH | Confirm Data Transfer | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_RELEASE | Complete Preparations | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_RELEAS_06 | Complete Preparations | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_RELEAS_40 | Complete Preparations | 0 |
FINS_MPROJ_STAT_OVW2 | Mass Data Project Status Overview | 0 |
S_E91_86000045 | - | 0 |
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S_E91_86000229 | IMG Activity | 0 |
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S_W91_50000006 | - | 0 |
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S_W93_10000021 | - | 0 |