New RT-12 Report | Component: Logistics India

Transaction Tables

J_1ICALOC Allocation of materials to assets
J_1IEXCDTL Excise invoice line item details
J_1IEXCHDR Excise invoice header detail
J_1IPART1 Excise part I detials
J_1IPART2 Excise Part II details
J_1IRG23D RG23D register for the depot
J_2IEXTRCT Data Extract table for Excise Registers
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
MSEG Document Segment: Material
VBRP Billing Document: Item Data


J_1ICHPTER Chapter ID Master
J_1IRG1 Excise RG1 details
J_2IRG1BAL Opening/Closing balance table for RG1
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
MARA General Material Data
T001 Company Codes
T001K Valuation area
T001W Plants/Branches