Withholding Tax Info. System India | Component: Logistics India

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
BSEG Accounting Document Segment
BSET Tax Data Document Segment
RBKP Document Header: Invoice Receipt
WITH_ITEM Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item


J_1BBRANCH Business Place
J_1IEWTCHLN Table for Internal and external Challan nos-EWT India.
J_1IEWTNUMGR Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers- EWT India.
J_1I_SECCO_CIT Section Code, TAN and CIT address mapping table
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code)
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
SECCODE Section Code
T001 Company Codes
T059Z Withholding tax code (enhanced functions)
T881 Ledger Master
T882 Company Code/Ledger Assignment