ERP Billing (TM-FWS-BIL)

ID: /SCMTMS/D1T0000040
Table Description
TCM_D_TC_SRV_MAP Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - Services
TCM_D_SALES_DATA TM XML data for ERP Invoice Print Preview
TCM_C_TCCAT Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal
TCM_C_TCET Charge Calculation - Charge Element Type
TCM_C_TCSCAT Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal
TCM_C_COND_MAP Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - Conditions
TCM_C_PUR_MAP Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Purchasing Organisation
TCM_C_SLSASSGN Mapping Sales Org./Send.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost
TCM_C_SLS_MAP Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Sales Organisation
TCM_C_SLS_RC_MAP Mapping TM credit memo reason code to order reason code
TCM_C_TCD_MAP Mapping TM Sales Org./Send.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost
TCM_C_TCD_PURMAP Mapping TM Purch.Org./Rec.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost
TCM_C_TCTXC_MAP Map transportation charge type to Tax code