Freight Agreement Management (TM-FRA)

ID: /SCMTMS/C2B1000007
Table Description
/SCMTMS/D_FAGROT Freight Agreement Root Node
/SCMTMS/D_TCRATE TransportationCharges Rates
/SCMTMS/D_FAGITT Agreement Item Text
/SCMTMS/D_PRECON Database table for Agreement item Preconditions
/SCMTMS/D_OPTSTG Optimizer Result for a strategy (Carrier)
/SCMTMS/D_STRCND Conditions and values for strategies
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTNT Notes for rate table
/SCMTMS/D_PRETSR Transport Services
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT1D One Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT2D Two Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT3D Three Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT4D Four Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT5D Five Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT6D Six Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT7D Seven Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT8D Eight Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCRT9D Nine Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCR10D Ten Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCR11D Eleven Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCR12D Twelve Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCR13D Thirteen Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_TCR14D Fourteen Dimensional Rates
/SCMTMS/D_AWSUM Award Summary Layout
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTCR Calc Rul Def of Rate for Validity Period
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTUC Rate Scale Ref: UsageInCalcMethod
/SCMTMS/D_OPTCET Optimizer Strategy Charge Type
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTCP Capacity for rate record
/SCMTMS/D_DEFROT Database table for Agreement Item Default Route
/SCMTMS/D_FAGLCA Letter of Credit Conform Address
/SCMTMS/D_FAITPT Parties at item level
/SCMTMS/D_OPTPAR Item keys of Optimiser parents
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTPA Parties involved under the capacities in rate table
/SCMTMS/D_PREDSL Destination Location
/SCMTMS/D_PREDSZ Destination Zone
/SCMTMS/D_PRESRL Source Location
/SCMTMS/D_RTHRT Rate table hierarchy DB
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTVP Validity Period For Rate
/SCMTMS/D_TCRTSR Rate Scale Reference
/SCMTMS/D_PRECAR Contract and Carriage Codes
/SCMTMS/D_PRELVL Transport Service Level Codes
/SCMTMS/D_PREMEA Transportation Means
/SCMTMS/D_PREMOD Transportation Modes
/SCMTMS/D_PRESRV Transport Service Requirement Codes
/SCMTMS/D_RTHIT Rate Table Hierarchy Items
/SCMTMS/D_FAGCTR Contractors
/SCMTMS/D_RATCTR Database table for Rate contractors
/SCMTMS/D_FAGPTR Payment Terms
/SCMTMS/D_PRETL Preconditions based on Trade lane
/SCMTMS/D_FAGACC Freight Agreement: Acceptance Rules (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGBUY Buyer (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGCLC Calculation Rules (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGDTM periods (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGIDT Item Periods (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGLIM Freight Agreement: limits (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGPAY Freight Agreement: Payment Rules (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGSER Freight Agreement: Services (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAGTAR Ref to Tarif (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/D_FAG_PI Payment Instructions (obsolete)
/SCMTMS/C_TCMAMC TCM: Influencing Factors for Adjustment in Calculation
/SCMTMS/C_TCMNRI Number Range Intervals for TCM BO Nodes
/SCMTMS/I_TCMNRO Number Range Objects for Transportation Charge Management
/SCMTMS/D_ITBUSH Database table for Agreement item commodity code
/SCMTMS/D_ITCOCD Database table for Agreement item commodity code