Freight Settlement (TM-FRS)

ID: /SCMTMS/D1T0000007
Table Description
/SCMTMS/D_SF_ROT Table for Root Node
/SCMTMS/D_SFIDOC Document Reference for Item
/SCMTMS/D_DISLOG Invoice Dispute analysis log
/SCMTMS/D_SF_ITM Table Main Area : SFIR Item
/SCMTMS/D_INDREF Reference Dispute Item Keys
/SCMTMS/D_ITASSN Table for SFIR item assignment node
/SCMTMS/D_SIVITM SFIR ERP Invoice Verified Item Info
/SCMTMS/D_INDVAL Invoice Dispute Values
/SCMTMS/D_SF_APP App log reference
/SCMTMS/D_SF_DOC Table:Document Reference Node
/SCMTMS/D_INDSHD Root table for Invoice dispute header
/SCMTMS/D_INDSRT Invoice Dispute Root
/SCMTMS/D_INDSIT Disputed Items
/SCMTMS/D_SF_WFL Table for Wokflow Level - Workitems
/SCMTMS/C_SFIR_T Freight Settlement Document Types
/SCMTMS/C_TOL_G Customising table for Inv dis mgmt tolerance group(tot amt)
/SCMTMS/C_TOL_K Customising table for Tolerance check in Inv disp mgmt
/SCMTMS/C_INDSID Dispute ID Definition
/SCMTMS/C_SFIRTT Text table for types of the Supplier Freight Invoice Request
/SCMTMS/C_WFL_LV Customising table of Levels - Roles for Workflow
/SCMTMS/C_CCPLNT Mapping between Company code and default plant
/SCMTMS/C_CHRG_T Mapping of charge type with tax type
/SCMTMS/C_CONCHT Condition to Charge type mapping for B2B
/SCMTMS/C_CS_TAX Customizing table for mapping charge sub category and tax
/SCMTMS/C_CT_TAX Customizing table to map charge type with tax
/SCMTMS/C_TMCTRY Tax dependent countires