Dangerous Goods (TM-CF-DG)

ID: /SCMTMS/D1T0000009
Table Description
/SCMTMS/D_BO_DG Document based dangerous goods data
/SCMTMS/D_FLDMAP Dangerous Goods field mapping
/SCMTMS/D_REGMAP Mapping of regulation name to a short form (integer)
/SCMTMS/C_DG_PRF Customizing DG Profile
/SCMTMS/D_BLOCKP UI Block assignments for DG document based data
/SCMTMS/D_DG_IND Index table for dangerous goods fields
/SCMTMS/D_STRDES Structure descriptor for document based dangerous goods data
/SCMTMS/D_PROFIT Profiles Text
/SCMTMS/D_UI_BLT UI Block description for DG document based data - text table