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- Web Channel (WEC)
Czech Republic (PY-CZ)
ID: HRI0000035
T-Code | Description | Tables |
HRDCT_LOAD_PY_RT | Declustering Tools - Initial Load PY | 15 |
HRPAYCZ_004 | - | 4 |
ICBNKT | - | 4 |
PC00_M18_ABSENC | Absence namely | 40 |
PC00_M18_ABSJMN | - | 40 |
PC00_M18_APEP_CK_RES | Status check of APEP sending | 21 |
PC00_M18_CALC | Payroll start - Czech Republic | 83 |
PC00_M18_CALC_SIMU | Payroll-simulation Germany | 83 |
PC00_M18_CDTC | Preproc.program data medium exchange | 1 |
PC00_M18_CEDT | Remuneration statement Internat. | 83 |
PC00_M18_CERT_OSVC | Confirmation for OSVC | 24 |
PC00_M18_CHILD_EVENT | Wage compens. on actions for cildren | 21 |
PC00_M18_CKTO | Payroll account - International | 68 |
PC00_M18_CLCMSG | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_CLJN | Payroll journal International | 35 |
PC00_M18_CLSTR | Payroll result International | 28 |
PC00_M18_DANJMN | List of taxes | 42 |
PC00_M18_DEDUCTOOSSZ | Deductions - base for OSSZ | 32 |
PC00_M18_DNPJMN | Dues sick-leave insurance - namely | 47 |
PC00_M18_DNPRPUM2004 | - | 22 |
PC00_M18_DNPSEZ | List of dues sick-leave insurance | 30 |
PC00_M18_DOBEXT | List of incomes and extenal transf. | 41 |
PC00_M18_DOBISR | List of incomes | 28 |
PC00_M18_DUCHPO | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_DUCHVY | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_ELDP1 | - | 15 |
PC00_M18_ELDP2 | Base 2 for pension insurance records | 31 |
PC00_M18_ELDPTRANS | Transfer ELDP from external system | 7 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_CL | ELDP from year 2004 - save to cluste | 35 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_COR | RELDP - manually correction | 5 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_DDP | ELDP - add times for pens.insurance | 35 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_DEL | ELDP since 2004 - records deleting | 2 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_PRI | Individually print RELDP | 18 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_P_COLL | Collective print RELDP | 46 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_SEND | Sending RELDP | 46 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_VALID | Validity RELDP | 7 |
PC00_M18_ELDP_VD | Excluded period confirm. for ELDP | 35 |
PC00_M18_EVISTA | Status for emploees | 30 |
PC00_M18_EVISTA_CIZ | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_EVLIDP | - | 35 |
PC00_M18_EVLIDP_2003 | - | 32 |
PC00_M18_EXEKUC | List of executions | 54 |
PC00_M18_EXPCSP | Ceska sporitelna | 4 |
PC00_M18_EXPPOS | - | 5 |
PC00_M18_FORM | - | 52 |
PC00_M18_GENKON | Generate Absence Quotas | 33 |
PC00_M18_HLAZP1 | - | 34 |
PC00_M18_HLAZP11 | Data for HI report | 47 |
PC00_M18_HLAZP2 | Create media for HI | 38 |
PC00_M18_JMNSEZ | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_KONEPR | - | 13 |
PC00_M18_KONVD | Tax relief conversion IT0021 | 8 |
PC00_M18_KVASTR | Graduate structure | 28 |
PC00_M18_MZDDEN | - | 35 |
PC00_M18_MZDLST | Statement remuneration | 14 |
PC00_M18_NAPPPU | View about counting data for PPU | 61 |
PC00_M18_NARDOV | - | 33 |
PC00_M18_NARDUC | - | 26 |
PC00_M18_NEMPRI_MNGD | NEMPRI cluster administration | 36 |
PC00_M18_NEMPRU | - | 22 |
PC00_M18_NEMZUC | - | 26 |
PC00_M18_OPATRE | - | 26 |
PC00_M18_PEFMED | - | 7 |
PC00_M18_PENSAV | Pension savings | 33 |
PC00_M18_PENSAV_YEAR | Pension savings - annual reporting | 29 |
PC00_M18_POCZPS | Dada for obligatory share ZPS | 48 |
PC00_M18_PODKZL | HR Master Data Sheet | 95 |
PC00_M18_PODKZL2 | Inclusion document | 40 |
PC00_M18_PODPDB | Guard delay | 34 |
PC00_M18_PODPLD | Signature document and enumeration | 43 |
PC00_M18_PODPLZ | Signature document and enumeration | 43 |
PC00_M18_POJIZP | List for HI insureds | 24 |
PC00_M18_PRACNE | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_PRAVYR | - | 25 |
PC00_M18_PRESCH | - | 42 |
PC00_M18_PRETX | - | 41 |
PC00_M18_PREVBN | - | 17 |
PC00_M18_PRIDSP | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_PRIPZC | - | 45 |
PC00_M18_PRIPZL | - | 35 |
PC00_M18_PRIRZD | Confirmation about taxable income | 34 |
PC00_M18_PRIRZD_M | - | 34 |
PC00_M18_PUJ | Loan listing from IT0045 | 42 |
PC00_M18_REGPOJ | - | 20 |
PC00_M18_REGP_CL | Insurance Register-stored into CLSTR | 34 |
PC00_M18_REGP_COR | Manual corr.items of Insur.Register | 27 |
PC00_M18_REGP_PRI | Single print items of Insur.Register | 9 |
PC00_M18_REGP_P_COLL | Collective print items of Insur.Reg. | 34 |
PC00_M18_REGP_SEND | - | 40 |
PC00_M18_REGP_VALID | - | 10 |
PC00_M18_REGT_DEL | ONZ - records deleting from cluster | 5 |
PC00_M18_REKAMD | - | 44 |
PC00_M18_REKCAF | - | 44 |
PC00_M18_RETTXSET | Deductions - base for OSSZ | 15 |
PC00_M18_ROCPEN | - | 38 |
PC00_M18_ROCZU4 | - | 10 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUC | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUC5 | - | 31 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUC5_M | An.tax base calculation (RPCJVST5M) | 31 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUC_M | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUD | - | 22 |
PC00_M18_ROCZUD_M | - | 22 |
PC00_M18_ROKREK | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_RPCDETT0 | Transaction for RPCDETT0 | 34 |
PC00_M18_RPCDNPT9 | Attachment to sick pay request 1/09 | 73 |
PC00_M18_RPCDNPT9_MN | NEMPRI cluster administration | 36 |
PC00_M18_RPCELDTVYP | - | 24 |
PC00_M18_RPCPOJ | View about paid sick pay | 56 |
PC00_M18_RPCSLE | Discounts list on SP | 29 |
PC00_M18_RPCTAXT0 | XML file for income tax settlement | 32 |
PC00_M18_RPIDSP | - | 43 |
PC00_M18_RPTRANS | Transfer RP/ONZ from external system | 9 |
PC00_M18_RPUINST0 | Insolvency register | 30 |
PC00_M18_RPUTRNT0 | Data transfer from ext.system to SAP | 5 |
PC00_M18_RPUZPLT0 | - | 9 |
PC00_M18_RUN_SD | Prep. of runs for SI diff.postings | 32 |
PC00_M18_RZNEREZ | - | 48 |
PC00_M18_SICKNOTE_MO | Electronic sick certificate monitor. | 32 |
PC00_M18_SICKNOTE_PO | Answer receipt in B2A | 6 |
PC00_M18_SICKNOTE_RQ | Creation DZDPN request in B2A | 25 |
PC00_M18_SICKNOTE_RS | Process. XML data (fr.B2A) -->IT3424 | 29 |
PC00_M18_SOCPOJ | Social insurance - namely | 55 |
PC00_M18_STATPN | Statistics for absences | 25 |
PC00_M18_TERM | RPPTERT0 - forms for employment off. | 33 |
PC00_M18_TREXIM | Medium for ISCP Trexima | 70 |
PC00_M18_TREXIM_U | - | 1 |
PC00_M18_URAZPO | - | 35 |
PC00_M18_VEKSTR | - | 24 |
PC00_M18_VEKVYR | - | 25 |
PC00_M18_VYPINF | List data from IT 14,15,2001/2/5/10 | 33 |
PC00_M18_VZMALE | - | 36 |
PC00_M18_YADVTAX | Advance tax - annual reporting | 36 |
PC00_M18_YADVTAX_DSP | Displ.advance tax - annual reporting | 26 |
PC00_M18_YADVTAX_MNG | Advance tax processing - annual rep. | 26 |
PC00_M18_YWTHTAX | Withholding tax - annual settlement | 33 |
PC00_M18_YWTHTAX_DSP | Withh.tax display -annual settlement | 27 |
PC00_M18_YWTHTAX_MNG | Withh.tax process.-annual settlement | 27 |
PC00_M18_ZALOHY | - | 30 |
PC00_M18_ZDRPOJ | Sick-leave Insurance - namely | 55 |
PC00_M18_ZIVPOJ | - | 7 |
PST2 | Number range maintenance: HR_CZ_002 | 4 |
PC00_M18 | Payroll for Germany | 0 |
PC00_M18_JAHRLICHE | Area menu - subsq.activities - year | 0 |
PC00_M18_PAP | Area menu - subs. activities per PP | 0 |
PC00_M18_PDUNABHAGIG | Area menu - subsq.activit. - period | 0 |
PC00_M18_TAB_T5T13 | Transaction for T5T13 tab. mainten. | 0 |
PC00_M18_TAB_T5TA2 | T5TA2 table maintenance transaction | 0 |
S_XEU_79000001 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000002 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000003 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000004 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000005 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000006 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000007 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000008 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000009 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000010 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000011 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000012 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000013 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000014 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000015 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000016 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000017 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000018 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000019 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000707 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000708 | - | 0 |