Payroll start - Czech Republic | Component: Czech Republic

Transaction Tables

COIFT Interface to Activity Allocation
HRPY_WPBP HR-PAY: Transparent Table WPBP
PCL1 HR Cluster 1
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
PCL3 HR Cluster 3
PCL4 HR Cluster 4


PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T512W Wage Type Valuation
T51AV_A Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51AV_C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51D3 Reduction Rules
T52A0 Internal Object Number
T52CD Schema Directory
T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules
T52RELID HR: Description of cluster in table PCLx
T549A Payroll areas
T549R Period Parameters
T550A Daily Work Schedule
T556A Absence Quota Types
T556G Rule for Day Markers in Coverage History
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T77PCLX_PCLXID Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table