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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- Kazakhstan (PY-KZ)
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (PY-SA)
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- Kuwait Payroll (PY-KW)
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- Payroll: General Parts (PY-XX)
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- Poland (PY-PL)
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- Russia (PY-RU)
- Services for Localizing Payroll (PY-LOC)
- Singapore (PY-SG)
- Slovakia (PY-SK)
- Slovenia (PY-SI)
- South Africa (PY-ZA)
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- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Slovakia (PY-SK)
ID: HRI0000042
T-Code | Description | Tables |
HRDCT_LOAD_PY_SK | Declustering Tools - Initial Load PY | 15 |
PC00_M31_AB2001 | - | 8 |
PC00_M31_ABSPRA | Absence data by employee | 38 |
PC00_M31_AUTORODM | Copyright royalties | 16 |
PC00_M31_CALC | Payroll | 101 |
PC00_M31_CALC_SIMU | Payroll simulation - Slovakia | 101 |
PC00_M31_CDTC | Prep.program for data medium exch. | 1 |
PC00_M31_CEDT | Remuneration statement settlement SK | 82 |
PC00_M31_CERNAD | Overview of use of overtime hours | 40 |
PC00_M31_CIPE | Posting to SK accounting | 1 |
PC00_M31_CIPE_OLD | Posting to SK accounting | 8 |
PC00_M31_CKTO | Payroll account Slovakia | 68 |
PC00_M31_CLJN | Payroll journal Slovakia | 35 |
PC00_M31_CLS0 | Adjustment of Recalc.Payroll Results | 8 |
PC00_M31_CLSTR | Payroll result | 27 |
PC00_M31_CMLI | HRSK - HSKCMLI0 | 23 |
PC00_M31_DANJMN | Tax nominal | 27 |
PC00_M31_DANOS | Notice of payment of special tax | 38 |
PC00_M31_DAVKAVNZ | Statement - Unemployment benefit | 31 |
PC00_M31_DCHPOJ | Pension-nominal | 33 |
PC00_M31_DNPJMN | Payment ilness nominal | 36 |
PC00_M31_DNPM | Auxiliary Calculation of DNP | 77 |
PC00_M31_DOBEXT | Report cash/account | 25 |
PC00_M31_DOBISR | Cash on delivery and deduct.overview | 39 |
PC00_M31_DODOPO | Supplementary pension insurance | 38 |
PC00_M31_EVISTA | Personnel headcounts | 28 |
PC00_M31_EVLIDZ | Bases for ELDZ | 47 |
PC00_M31_EXECORR | Prop.to adjust garnishment balances | 9 |
PC00_M31_EXPPOS | Slovenska posta | 5 |
PC00_M31_EXPPSB | Media Creation for Postova Banka | 7 |
PC00_M31_EXPSP1 | Slovenska sporitelna - medium a.text | 2 |
PC00_M31_EXPSSP | SLSP | 1 |
PC00_M31_FNDZAM | Unemployment insurance | 33 |
PC00_M31_GENKON | Generation of absence quotas | 19 |
PC00_M31_HOZDRP | Mass notification for HI | 51 |
PC00_M31_IBANIT | Generate IBAN record infotype 009/11 | 8 |
PC00_M31_IMPKZM | Read KZAM from local file | 1 |
PC00_M31_IMPODVZ | Read branch of study | 4 |
PC00_M31_IMPPSC | Read Postal Code from local file | 1 |
PC00_M31_ISCO | Conversion of KZAM job code to ISCO | 1 |
PC00_M31_KA00 | - | 25 |
PC00_M31_KONEPR | Display info. on absence quotas | 19 |
PC00_M31_KONV0253 | Change of health insurer | 8 |
PC00_M31_KONVVOZ | Conversion of infotype 0032 to 3350 | 8 |
PC00_M31_KPC | Working time account | 35 |
PC00_M31_KPC1 | Working time account | 35 |
PC00_M31_KRADOV | Overview of leave entitlements | 8 |
PC00_M31_KVASTR | Qualifications structure | 22 |
PC00_M31_MENZOZ | List of employees by name | 26 |
PC00_M31_MZDLHL | Pay sheet - header | 63 |
PC00_M31_MZDLMC | Pay sheet - pay section | 28 |
PC00_M31_MZDLST | Pay sheet | 10 |
PC00_M31_NASTDO | Retirement pension entitlements | 24 |
PC00_M31_NAT0 | Exchange citizen./nationality fields | 8 |
PC00_M31_NEMPOJ | Sick pays-nominal | 33 |
PC00_M31_NEMPRIEM | Additions for income comp. DAB | 41 |
PC00_M31_NEPPRA | Leave data by employee | 38 |
PC00_M31_ODANZR | Notification of Withholding Tax | 54 |
PC00_M31_ODMENA | Creating a Reward Proposal | 35 |
PC00_M31_OPRODM | Prop.for adj.of pr.fr.tax-free rem. | 35 |
PC00_M31_OZNAMPU | Insur.case report to accid.insurance | 35 |
PC00_M31_PERSOP | Personnel actions | 24 |
PC00_M31_PODKZL | Records for confirmation of employm. | 47 |
PC00_M31_PODPDB | Pension time | 19 |
PC00_M31_PODPLD | Signature list | 29 |
PC00_M31_PODPLZ | Signature list | 29 |
PC00_M31_POTNEM | ER statement for sickness benefit | 49 |
PC00_M31_POTPND | Statement for child allowance | 42 |
PC00_M31_POZOSK | Damage liability insurance | 8 |
PC00_M31_PRAVYR | Employment anniversary | 23 |
PC00_M31_PREDAT | Conv.of infotype 0041 dates to years | 23 |
PC00_M31_PREDOP | Emplyees with pension/handicap | 27 |
PC00_M31_PREDOV | Leave overview | 8 |
PC00_M31_PREHDO | Pensioner overview w. month.earning | 39 |
PC00_M31_PREPPU | Inclusion overview for labour-law | 41 |
PC00_M31_PREVBN | Transfer to banking | 17 |
PC00_M31_PRIPZC | EE Preparation | 45 |
PC00_M31_PRIPZL | ER Preparation | 34 |
PC00_M31_PRIRZD | Statement of posted incomes | 31 |
PC00_M31_PRNADE | Child allowance | 8 |
PC00_M31_PRPONE | Overview of unemployment insurance | 33 |
PC00_M31_PZP | Rep.fulfil.of obl.quota empl w/hand. | 32 |
PC00_M31_RECAFO | Summary of time fund | 42 |
PC00_M31_REGLI2 | Bases for insuree registr.- read | 9 |
PC00_M31_REG_LISTY | Registration sheets for Soc.poist. | 44 |
PC00_M31_REKAMD | Vertical recapitulation of wage type | 41 |
PC00_M31_REKAPI | Recapitulation of wage types | 41 |
PC00_M31_ROCREK | Annual recapitulation of wage types | 42 |
PC00_M31_ROCZUD | Annual tax clearing | 23 |
PC00_M31_RODPRI | Family members | 38 |
PC00_M31_ROZNES | Analysis of incapacity for work | 40 |
PC00_M31_RP204 | Quarterly labour report: Labour 2-04 | 29 |
PC00_M31_RZDP | Portions for annual clearing 2005 | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZDU | ATC data adjustment | 12 |
PC00_M31_RZDZP | Employment premium entitlement | 22 |
PC00_M31_RZZK | Employee Categories for AIS for HI | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP | OBSOLETE: HI year-end billing | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_02 | Calculation overview ASI for HI | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_05 | AIS for HI base for posting | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_06 | Ann.clear.for HI made by other ER | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_08 | AA for HI batch 541 - 2008 | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_09 | OBSOLETE: AHIS for HI,con.542 and s. | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_2010 | Annual account of health insurance | 9 |
PC00_M31_RZZP_541 | AA for HI batch 541 | 8 |
PC00_M31_RZZR | Recapitulation of HI annual clearing | 10 |
PC00_M31_SEZDOP | List of pension insurance | 33 |
PC00_M31_SOCPO1 | Social insurance max.AB | 41 |
PC00_M31_SOCPOI | Social Insurance - nominal. | 46 |
PC00_M31_SPVYK | Social insurance report | 36 |
PC00_M31_SPVYKG | Social insurance report - gener. | 36 |
PC00_M31_SPZP | Data for purposes of SI and HI | 15 |
PC00_M31_STATPN | Statistics of illnesses | 37 |
PC00_M31_T7SKRL | Delete RC in T7SKRL | 1 |
PC00_M31_TREXIM | Statistical report ISCP 1-04 | 42 |
PC00_M31_UNP101 | Annual report on total labor costs | 22 |
PC00_M31_UPDVOZ | Change of vehicle value inf.3350 | 11 |
PC00_M31_UPLOADT558A | Read external data into T558A | 4 |
PC00_M31_VDSDS | Statement for vol.o.a.pension saving | 37 |
PC00_M31_VEKSTR | Age structure | 22 |
PC00_M31_VEKVYR | Age anniversary | 23 |
PC00_M31_VOZDAN | Value of vehicle for tax | 11 |
PC00_M31_VPFP | Report for fin.contrib.declaration | 25 |
PC00_M31_VYDAN | Tax return | 39 |
PC00_M31_VYDAN_2006 | OBSOLETE: Tax report for year 2006 | 8 |
PC00_M31_VYDODP | Suppl.pension insurance report | 39 |
PC00_M31_VYPEXE | Statement of one-third garnishments | 37 |
PC00_M31_VYPINF | List of records from Infot.14,15,200 | 32 |
PC00_M31_VYPMSG | Message table list fr.program HSKCA | 36 |
PC00_M31_VYPPPD | Work schedule | 28 |
PC00_M31_VYPRND | Statement for child allowances | 8 |
PC00_M31_VYROZD | Calculation of annual tax | 18 |
PC00_M31_VYSOPO | Statement for Social Insurer | 47 |
PC00_M31_VYURPR | OBSOLETE: Statement for Labor Office | 8 |
PC00_M31_VYZDPO | Health Insurance Statement | 44 |
PC00_M31_ZALOHY | Advances | 30 |
PC00_M31_ZDRPOJ | Health ins.-nom. | 36 |
PC00_M31_ZOZPZP | Insur.pers.list of Health Insur.Fund | 22 |
PC00_M31_ZPPD | Dividend health insurance overview | 34 |
PC00_M31_ZPVD | Dividend health insurance report | 43 |
PC00_M31_ZPVYK | Health insurance statement | 33 |
PC00_M31_ZPVYKG | Health insurance statement - gener. | 33 |
PC00_M31 | Payroll for Germany | 0 |
PC00_M31_DPHP | Advance Tax Report and Overview | 0 |
PC00_M31_DPP | Taxable income statement | 0 |
PC00_M31_DPRZD | Annual settlement of tax advances | 0 |
PC00_M31_DPRZD_0257 | - | 0 |
PC00_M31_EURO_30SK | EMU curr.conversion: Other master | 0 |
PC00_M31_EURO_KONV | Conversion SK infotypes and tables | 0 |
PC00_M31_IBANT521B | Generate IBAN entries in table T521B | 0 |
PC00_M31_IBANT7SK1L | Generate IBAN entries in tab T7SK1L | 0 |
PC00_M31_JAHRLICHE | Area menu subseqnt activities - year | 0 |
PC00_M31_KZAM | Assign EMPC to job | 0 |
PC00_M31_PAP | Area menu subsequent activities per | 0 |
PC00_M31_PDUNABHAGIG | Area menu subseq.activities - period | 0 |
PC00_M31_T7SKRZOR | Table management T7SKRZOR | 0 |
PC00_M31_T7SKVDP | Management of table T7SKVDP | 0 |
PC00_M31_TSTPER | HR TEST TOOL - copy and comparison | 0 |
PC00_M31_UTIL_0252 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000709 | - | 0 |
S_XEU_79000710 | - | 0 |