Availability Control (PSM-FM-BCS-AC)

ID: ALN0000196
Table Description
FMAVC_QUEUE Priority Queue for Exclusive Locks in FM AVC
FMAVCA Actual line item table
FMAVCP Plan line items table
FMAVCC Object table 2
FMAVCT view BCS AVC Summary Table (only conditional update!)
FMAVCO Object table 1
FMAVCT_RECON_YR Year Since Which AVC Ledgers Were Reconstructed
BUAVCSRC Data sources for availability ledger
FMAVC_RBE_FDE AVC Filter Definition for RBE
BUAVCAPPLIC Application Component of Availability Control
BUAVCTPRO Tolerance profiles for availability control
FMAVCBUDFILTH AVC filter settings for FM budget values: header entries
FMAVCLDGRATT Attributes of Availability Control Ledger (Funds Management)
BUAVCTOLASS Assignment of tolerance limits for availability control
BUAVCLDGR Availability Control Ledger
FMAVCACTCD Activation of Change Documents for FMAVCT Records
FMAVCNODUMP01 Calling Programs with do not cause AVC dump (note 1532323)