| Flexible Material Prices |
| Material Valuation: Per. Ending Inventory |
| Material Valuation: Per. Ending Inventory Sales Order Stocks |
| Material Valuation: Per. Ending Inventory Project Stocks |
| Material Valuation: Prices |
| Material Valuation: Prices - Sales Order Stocks |
| Material Valuation: Prices - Project Stocks |
| Goods Movements From Inventory Management |
| Stock Initialization for Inventory Management |
| Material Stocks/Movements |
| Revaluations for Inventory Management |
| Multiple Account Assignment for Purchasing Documents |
| Produced Activity: Delivery of Confirmations |
| Purchasing Data (Header Level) |
| Purchasing Data (Item Level) |
| Purchasing Data (Schedule Line Level) |
| Produced Activity: Confirmation of Schedule Lines |
| Produced Activity: Delivery of Schedule Lines |
| Purchasing Data |
| Purchasing Groups |
| Purchase Orders Service Level |
| Vendor evaluation |
| Vendor Evaluation Semiauto |
| Vendor Evaluation-Source of Supply and Score(Direct Access) |
| Vendor Evaluation in Invoice Verification (ECC) |
| Purchasing Data (Account Level) |
| Produced Activity: Delivery of Confirmations |
| Purchasing Data (Header Level) |
| Purchasing Data (Item Level) |
| Purchasing groups |
| Purchasing |
| Vendor Evaluation |
| Subsequent Settlement: Evaluation |
| Services |
| Purchasing Data (Schedule Line Level) |
| Produced Activity: Confirmation of Schedule Lines |
| Produced Activity: Delivery of Schedule Lines |
| Purchasing Data (External Services) |
| Goods Movements From Inventory Management |
| Stock Initialization for Inventory Management |
| WM: Quantity flows |
| MRP: Business Info Warehouse |
| Material movements: storage location |
| Goods movement: Plant |
| Periodic storage location stock |
| Periodic plant stock |
| Revaluations |
| Extraction of Invoice Verification Data into BW |
| Perishables Procurement (FIP) Material Number |
| Enhancement 2LIS_02_SCL - Purchase Order Processing Fashion |
| Enhancement 2LIS_02_SCL - Explosion Struct. Material for BW |
| Enhancement 2LIS_03_BF - Explosion of Structured Matl for BW |
| Enhancement 2LIS_03_BX - Explosion of Structured Matl for BW |