
Subsequent Settlement: Evaluation | #TRAN | Extraction method: F1 | Delta: E | Component: Materials Management
Tables used: TMC4show details
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
💲 Currency of rebate arrangement (ABSPW):
AUWRT Rebate income from settlement w. regard to condition record
RUWRT Provision for accrued condition income
BONBA Supplier Bus. Volume: Value in Rebate Arrangement Currency
RRWRT Dissolved (reversed) provision for accrued condition income
AGWRT Rebate income from final settlement
💲 Condition Unit (Currency or Percentage) (KONWA):
BONBAKD Supplier Bus. Vol. Value in Cond. Curr.: Settlement-Relevant
Column Name Description
📏 Condition Unit in the Document (KMEIN):
MENGE Supplier Business Volume: Quantity in Condition Unit
📏 Weight Unit (GEWEI):
BRGEW Supplier Bus. Volume: Gross Weight (Subsequent Settlement)
NTGEW Supplier Business Volume: Net Weight (Subsequent Settlement)
📏 Volume unit (VOLEH):
VOLUM Supplier Bus. Volume: Physical Volume (Subseq. Settlement)
📏 Points Unit (PUNEI):
ANZPU Supplier Business Volume: No. of Points (Subseq. Settlement)
Column Name Description
SPTAG Calendar day
DATBI End date of validity period of an arrangement
Column Name Description
STORNO Indicator: Data to Be Canceled Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
WRTTP Value type for Reporting RSVTYPE
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO
SPMON Calendar year / month RSCALMONTH
SPWOC Calendar year / week RSCALWEEK
SPBUP Fiscal year / period RSFISCPER
BOLIF Condition granter LIFNR
KNUMA Agreement (various conditions grouped together) KNUMA
LIFNR Supplier (PO, Supplier Billing Document, Settlement Doc.) LIFNR
MATKL Material Group MATKL
EKORG Purchasing organization EKORG
EKGRP Purchasing Group EKGRP
KNUMH Number of the Condition Record KNUMH
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV