
Purchasing | #TRAN | Extraction method: F1 | Delta: E | Component: Materials Management
Tables used: TMC4show details
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
💲 Local Currency (HWAER):
NETWR Effective order value
REWRT Invoice Amount
REWRT_R Invoice amount: Returns
EFFWR_R Effective order value of returns
WEWRT Value of goods received in local currency
WEWRT_B Goods receipt value as at posting date
REWRT_B Invoice Amount as at Posting Date
REWRT_R_B IR value: Returns as at posting date
WEWRT_R_B GR value: Returns as at posting date
Column Name Description
📏 Base Unit of Measure (BASME):
MENGE Purchase order quantity
WEMNG Quantity of goods received
WEMGM Goods receipt qty in base unit (calculate wtd.delivery time)
REMNG Invoice receipt quantity
LSMNG Target delivery quantity in base unit of measure
MENGE_R Order quantity (returns)
REMNG_R Invoice receipt quantity of returns
WEMNG_R Goods receipt quantity of returns
REMNG_B Invoice receipt quantity as at posting date
REMNG_R_B IR quantity: Returns as at posting date
Column Name Description
SPTAG Calendar day
Column Name Description
STORNO Indicator: Data to Be Canceled Show values
ESOKZ Purchasing info record category Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
WRTTP Value type for Reporting RSVTYPE
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO
SPMON Calendar year / month RSCALMONTH
SPWOC Calendar year / week RSCALWEEK
SPBUP Fiscal year / period RSFISCPER
EKORG Purchasing organization EKORG
LIFNR Vendor's account number LIFNR
MATNR Material Number MATNR
MATKL Material Group MATKL
INFNR Number of purchasing info record INFNR
LAND1 Country/Region Key of Supplier LAND1
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV
ABSTP Number of purchase order items MCZAEHLER
ABSTE Number of purchase order item schedule lines MCZAEHLER
AANFP Number of requests for quotation items MCZAEHLER
AANGP Number of Quotation Items MCZAEHLER
AKONP Number of contract items MCZAEHLER
ALFPP Number of scheduling agreement items MCZAEHLER
ALFPE Number of delivery schedules MCZAEHLER
ALIEF Number of deliveries MCZAEHLER
MABW1 Deviation 1 in the quantity delivered MCZAEHLER
MABW2 Variance 2 in the quantity delivered MCZAEHLER
MABW3 Variance 3 in the quantity delivered MCZAEHLER
MABW4 Variance 4 in the quantity delivered MCZAEHLER
MABW5 Variance 5 in the quantity delivered MCZAEHLER
TABW1 Delivery date variance 1 in days MCZAEHLER
TABW2 Delivery date variance 2 in days MCZAEHLER
TABW3 Delivery date variance 3 in days MCZAEHLER
TABW4 Delivery date variance 4 in days MCZAEHLER
TABW5 Delivery date variance 5 in days MCZAEHLER
LFZTA Total delivery time in days DECV13
LFZTG Weighted total delivery time DECV15_1