
MRP: Business Info Warehouse | #TRAN | Extraction method: F1 | No Delta | Component: Materials Management
Tables used: TMC4show details
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
💲 Local Currency (HWAER):
WABGA Future value of goods issues that is valid for MRP
WGABGA Value of total goods issues quantity
WZUGA Future value of goods receipts that is valid for MRP
WGZUGA Total value of goods receipts quantity
WATP_KUM Value of cummulated ATP quantity
WATP Value of ATP quantity
WBEST Value of future stock (MRP)
WBESZUG Value of stock at goods receipt
WGSBEST Value of Future Total Stock
WEISB Value of the safety stock
Column Name Description
📏 Base Unit of Measure (BASME):
MABGA Future qty. of goods issues that is valid for MRP
GABGA Total quantity of future goods issues
MNG02 Requirement
MNG01 Planned independent requirements
MZUGA Future quantity of goods receipts that is valid for MRP
GZUGA Total future goods receipts
MNG06 Sum of receipts that are not available
MATP Cumulated ATP quantity
MNG05 ATP quantity
MBEST Future stock (disposition)
BESZUG Stock level at goods receipt
GSBEST Total stock
EISBE Safety stock
Column Name Description
SPTAG Calendar day
Column Name Description
STORNO Indicator: Data to Be Canceled Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
WRTTP Value type for Reporting RSVTYPE
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO
SPMON Calendar year / month RSCALMONTH
SPWOC Calendar year / week RSCALWEEK
SPBUP Fiscal year / period RSFISCPER
MATNR Material Number MATNR
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV
AZZUG Number of times that valuated stock has been received ANZAHL