Seasonal / Promotion Planning (LO-RFM-MD-PR)

ID: ER91000095
Table Description
WAEL Delivery Phases in Retail Promotion
WALE Material to store assignment to promotion
WAKR Promotion Discounts
WPM_PRM_GRP_ID Promotion to offer transfer group assignment
WAKRW Promotion discounts by plant
WMFF Markdown Planning - Stores
WAKH Promotion Header Data, IS-R
WAAL Material-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.)
WAKP Promotion Item Data
WMFP Markdown Planning - item data (materials)
TWAA Promotion Type, IS-R
WAGU Validity of plant groups - IS-R
TMFA Markdown Planning - Markdown type
TWCP Coupons: Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS Inbound
WMPK Markdown rule header
WSAH Worklist Season wind-up - header
RDMT_CUST_TYPE Customer Types
WPMD_RE_IN General Setttings for Retail Event Inbound Processing
WPMD_RE_OFFER_IN Parameters for Retail Event Offer Activation or Deactivation
TWAT Promotion themes, IS-R
TWTY Promotion category, IS-R
WAZW Promotion/advertising media assignment
WAZT Promotion/themes assignment
WAZB Module plant-group assignment
WMFH Markdown Planning - header data
WMFU Markdown planning - price phases per material/un
WMPR Markdown rule item
WAKT Promotion description short text, IS-R
TWCPT Coupon Distribution Profile: Short Text
TWAC Map CRM Campaign Type to Promotion Type