Forecasting and Replenishment Backend Integration (LO-RFM-FRE)

ID: ER91000045
Table Description
FRE_OP_ITEM_IN F&R CON R/3 - Order Proposal Inbound Item Buffer
FRE_OP_PO_KEY Key-Completion F&R Order Proposal <-> R/3 Purchase Order
FRE_UI_MSG F&R CON R/3 - Exception Messages for User Interface
FRE_BIF_OPI_IN Inbound Interface Table Order Proposal Item
FRE_IF_ITEM F&R Order Outbound IF: internal Item Table
FRE_OP_HEADER_IN F&R CON R/3 - Order Proposal Inbound Header Buffer
FRE_BIF_OPH_IN Inbound interface table order proposal header
FRE_IF_HEADER R/3 Outbound Header Interface Table
FRE_MC_MCH_NODE Merchandise Category and MC-Hier. Node sent to F&R
FRE_PO_POINTER Change Pointers Changed Purchase Order Documents
FRE_DB_ART_SITE Relevant article/site-combinations for F&R
FRE_SO_POINTER Change Pointers for changed Sales Order Documents
FRE_MC_MCH_KEYW Language dependent Text for Merch.Categor. and MC-Hierarchy
FRE_DB_VKP_TD F&R Sales Price TD
FRE_RDPR Rounding Profiles sent to F&R
FRE_REF_ART_SITE Article/site-combination of ref. module for initial load
FRE_TMFPF Distribution Profiles of Articles in Distribution Centers
FRE_TWFPF Distribution Profiles on Site Level
FRE_UOM Unit of Measure Groups sent to F&R
FRE_DIF_NO_SITES BEF Occurrences for Number of Supplied Plants
FRE_CONS_POINTER Changepointer Timeseries Data Consumption
FRE_ST_POINTER Changepointer Timeseries Data Stock
FRE_DB_SITE Relevant site's in F&R
FRE_PO_GI_WL Database Table for order item worklist concerning GI date
WRF_REF_MODULE Header Data for a Reference Module
WRF_REF_ITEM Reference
WRF_REF_ATTRIBUT Material Attributes for Reference Determination Schema
FRE_TWTCTRL Procedures for Additionals
FRE_DB_MAP_RELPR mapping table to transfer release profiles
FRE_INTERFACES SAP F&R Connection Interfaces
FRE_ARTHIER_STRU Article Hierarchy Structure
FRE_DB_ABI_HEAD Header table for DIF occurrence
FRE_DB_VENDOR F&R relevant vendors
FRE_MD_PRODUCT Objects sent to F&R as Product
WRF_REF_RFS Reference Determination Schema
WRF_REF_HEAD Assignment of a Reference Module to Material/Plant
FRE_ORD_CONS F&R CON Order Interface - Consignment Value Mapping
FRE_MSG_OPTIONS Maintain Minimum Message Type for User Interface Logging
FRE_DB_FRE_DISMM replenishment types for FRE scenario
FRE_DB_FRE_WERKS high level filtering during F&R relevance deter,
FRE_DOC_CAT_IN Allowed Document Categories for Inbound Processing
FRE_PRODH_RELID F&R Hierarchy Types for PRODH Interface (External Key)
FRE_PROD_TYPES F&R Product Types for PRODUCT Interface (External Key)
WRF_REF_MATCH Matching and Match Rate Relevance of Attribute Values