Configuration management (LO-CM)

ID: ALR0008404
Table Description
IBINCM IB: Config.Mang.: Component/Instance
TCM_PMASTER CM: Header data for product
TCM_PFOLDER Configuration Folder (Configuration Management)
TCM_CTIME2 List of Alternative Dates (Config. Management)
IBSTCM IB: Conf.Mang.:Structure
TCM_USER_PROFILE CM: Definition of the user layouts
TCM_EXPL Profile for the explosion
TCM_EXPL_WRK Plants to Be Exploded
TCM_EXP_CTYP Class types not considered
TCM_TB_PROFILE CM: Control of the selection of tabstrip index in Workbench
TCMFOLDERS Table for sending CM folders
TCM_BASELINE Baseline data (Configuration Management)
CMTIB_FLBINT2EXT Classification conversion: internal ID to external key
IBSPCM IB: Config.Mang.: Specialization
TCM_PF_CONT Table for data container for product folder (Conf. Mgmt)
CMTIB_CLFINT2EXT Classification conversion: internal ID to external key
TCM_LIFECYCLE Life cycle for product under Configuration Management
TCM_CUS_EXPL Profile for the explosion
TCM_DYNPPARTS CM: For each activity - Cumulation of current screen
T371D_CMEXT IB: Object Type Additional Attributes for CM
TCM_CUS_CBAS Customizing parameter Baseline
TCM_CUS_CDEF Customizing parameter configuration definition
TCM_CUS_CFOL Customizing parameter configuration folder
TCM_CUS_APPL Customizing parameter CM application
TCM_CUS_EXPL_WRK Plants to Be Exploded
TCM_CUS_MEM Customizing parameter CM application