Logistics Brazil (FI-LOC-LO-BR)

ID: EBJ0000114
Table Description
J_1BNFDOC Nota Fiscal Header
J_1BNFE_ACTIVE Electronic Nota Fiscal: Actual Status
J_1BECD_HISTORY Electronic-Accounting-File History
J_1BNFCPD Nota Fiscal one-time accounts
J_1BNFLIN Nota Fiscal line items
J_1BNFE_HISTORY Electronic Nota Fiscal - History
J_1BNFE_INVALID Electronic Nota Fiscal: Invalid Status Actions
J_1BNFE_EVENT NF-e Events Table
J_1BNFNAD Nota Fiscal partners
J_1BFIFOIN Incoming FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)
J_1BPOSCOUPONS POS-Database Coupons (Brazilian)
J_1BFIFOOUT Outgoing FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)
J_1BCTE_D_DOCREF Reference to the NF-e being transported
J1B_ERROR_DDA Master Table for DDA_Brazil (Segment G)
J_1BNFEPARKLIN Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BNFEPARKTAX Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BIV05 BUZID with special handling for NF
J_1BPOSREDUCTION POS-Database Reduction (Brazilian)
J_1BNFEPARKDOC Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BNFSTX Nota Fiscal tax per item
J_1BCTE_D_RES Information about resource
J_1BLFA1_REC55 Information for generating record type 55 referred to GNRE
J_1BNFE_D_CCEFLD CC-e Event Corr Letter Fields
J_1BNFREFPROC Additional Information: Referenced Processes
J_1BNFERFCBATCH NF-e documents to be send via Report J_1BRFCBATCH
J_1BNFFUEL Nota Fiscal: Fuel Details
J_1BNFSUGARDEDUC Taxes and Contributions on Sugarcane
J_1BNFTRAILER Trailer Information
J_1BNFTRANSVOL Transported Volumes
J_1BNFE_TEC_RESP Technical Responsible Data
J_1BNFEPHARMA Medicines and Pharmaceutical Raw Material
LOGBR_NF_DUE Export Declaration Data
LOGBR_NF_TEXTS Nota Fiscal texts
LOGBR_IMPNF_TXTS Nota Fiscal Texts for Import Process
J_1BNFIMPORT_DI Nota Fiscal Data for Import Documents
J_1BMMNFX MM: Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts
J_1BNFFTX Nota Fiscal header message
J_1BNFVEHICLE Nota Fiscal: Vehicle Details
J_1BIV04 Goods Receipts Passed to Notas Fiscais via Inv. Verification
J_1BNFEPAYMENT Payment Information table
J_1BEFD_LOG Electronic fiscal file log
J_1BNFENUMGAP NF-e Numbering Gaps
J_1BAA Nota Fiscal type
A374 Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl3Cust/TaxCl.3Mat
A322 Country/Tax Jur./Key 1/Key 2/Key 3/Tax Group
A292 null
A293 null
A341 null
A342 null
A343 null
A344 null
A346 null
A347 null
A348 null
A349 null
A382 null
A392 null
A393 null
A291 null
A394 null
J_1BAQ Form
J_1BAB Reference type
J_1BAD Partner function ID
J_1BAI NCM Codes
J_1BAM Screen control groups
J_1BAR Sub-object for number Nota Fiscal
J_1BMMNFA Relatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BMMNFTT MM: Allowed automatic texts
J_1BTAXSITISS Tax situation ISS
J_1BTAXSITPIS Tax situation PIS
J_1BAGN CFOP with Version Number
J_1BCFOPVER CFOP Version Numbers
J_1BECD_CUST02 ECD: Qualification Codes of Person Responsible
J_1BLFA1_MATNR Mapping table for material numbers (for brasil. Sintegra)
J_1BNFE_CONTINR NFe: Reason for Contingency
J_1BNFE_CANCELR NF-e: Reason for Cancel / Skip
J_1BSTSCODE NFe Status code
J_1BAE Field groups
J_1BAS Tax situation IPI
J_1BSDNFA Relatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BSERVTYPES1 Official Brazilian Service Types - Incoming
J_1BTXJUR Tax Jurisdiction Codes For Brazilian Tax Calculation
J_1BTXSDC SD tax codes
J_1BTXSTG Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group
J_1BDOCTYPES Nota Fiscal Document Types
J_1BITEMTYPES Nota Fiscal Record Types
J_1BNFW_SCG Group for Tabs and Subscreens (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCGIT Group for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BTMAN_TC_RSN Manual Tax Code Reason table
J_1BIMPLAYOUT Record MS Excel Layouts for Import Data
J_1BNFE_EVEGRP Entity Table for Event Group
J_1BNFE_EXTEV Entity Table for External Events
J_1BAEH Field group (Header)
J_1BAEIT Field group (Item)
J_1BAMH Screen Control for Fields (Header)
J_1BECD_CUST08 Subledgers
J_1BAMH_C Screen Control for Fields (Header)
LOGBR_ABRASF LC 116 Service Types
LOGBR_WHT_CUST Define Withholding Tax Accumulation for Customers (SD)
J_1BMODFRETE_DET Freight Mode Determination
J_1BPAG Payment Method
J_1BTCENQ IPI Legal Classification Code
J_1BTCEST ICMS ST Legal Classification Code
J_1BTCESTDET ICMS ST Legal Classification Code Determination
J_1BBAND Credit/Debit Card Company
J_1BTTAXDET Tax Determination - Validity
J_1BNFE_C_CCECFG CC-e Event Correction Letter Fields Configuration
J_1BATL5 PIS Tax Law
J_1BATL2 Tax Law IPI
J_1BATL3 Tax Laws ISS
J_1BSDNFX Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts
J_1BTREGX Tax region
LOGBR_MM_SIMPLES Simples Nacional Definitions
J_1BAJ Tax types
J_1BCONDMAP Internal Codes for Tax Conditions
J_1BAAT Nota Fiscal type text
J_1BADT Partner function description
J_1BAQT Form description
J_1BART Sub-object for number Nota Fiscal Description
J_1BCFOPVERT CFOP Version Text Table
J_1BSTSCODET NFe Status Code Description
J_1BTXJURT Text Table For Brazilian Tax Jurisdiction Codes
J_1BCONDMAPT Description of Internal Codes for Tax Conditions
J_1BDOCTYPEST Description of Nota Fiscal Document Types
J_1BECD_CUST07T Texts for Inter-Company Relationship Codes
J_1BAC Partner type
J_1BAK Field assignment
J_1BAL Screen control group assignment
J_1BAN Status control
J_1BAO CFOP determination for incoming movements and their return
J_1BAP CFOP determination for outgoing movements and their return
J_1BMMKON0 MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal
J_1B_NFTYPEBRCH Nota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Branch for SD
J_1BNFTYPEREDLF Nota Fiscal type determination for NFe by Vendor
J_1BNFTYPEREDMM Nota Fiscal type determination for NFe
J_1BPIS_C_CFOP Indicate if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situation
J_1BEFD_BADI BAdIs available for Ato Cotepe 82
J_1BTAXGRPCD Assign Tax Group to SD Internal Codes
J_1BAON CFOP Determination Incoming and their Returns (versioned)
J_1BAPN CFOP Determination Outgoing and their Returns (versioned)
J_1BECD_CUST03 ECD Person Responsible
J_1BECD_CUST05 ECD Register Category
J_1BNFITMRULE Rules for Nota Fiscal Item Type
J_1BTXCODESEQ Sequence for Tax Code Determination
J_1BTXLAWSEQ Sequence for Tax Law Determination
J_1BB2DYNAMIC Nota Fiscal Print Configuration dependent on dynamic key
IDSDTXNUMVIS SD Document Screen Control for CPD Partner Tax Numbers
J_1BAOX CFOP det. for incoming mov. and their return (exceptions)
J_1BAPX CFOP det. for outgoing mov. and their return (exceptions)
J_1BCFOP_XREG Regions with CFOP extension
J_1BIMFI Movement Types for Vendor Invoices (Brazil)
J_1BTXGRUOP Dynamic Determination of Tax-Related Master Data
J_1BTXIC3 Grouped ICMS
J_1BTXIS3 Grouped ISS
J_1BTXST3 Dynamic Calculation of Substituição Tributária
J_1BNFE_INTEV Entity Table for Internal Events
J_1BNFE_MAP_TYPE NF-e: Mapping of Inbound Msg Types to Internal Status Codes
J_1BB2 Nota Fiscal print configuration
J_1BIM01 MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management
J_1BSDIC NF relevant Item Categories
J_1BSDICA Sales Document Item Category table
J_1BSDKON0 SD: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal
J_1BTREGC Tax regions for foreign countries
J_1BTXDEF Tax calc.: Default rates
J_1BTXIC1 Tax calc.: ICMS general rules
J_1BTXIC2 Tax calc.: ICMS rules
J_1BTXIP1 Tax calc.: IPI rules
J_1BTXIP2 Tax calc.: IPI rules (material dependent)
J_1BTXIS1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales
J_1BTXST1 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules
J_1BTXST2 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules (general)
J_1BEFD_COUNTRY BCB Country Code for Brazil
J_1BNFTXCOND Tax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BTXIP3 Grouped IPI
J_1BTXCOF Tax Calculation: COFINS
J_1BTXISS Tax Calculation: ISS
J_1BTXPIS Tax Calculation: PIS
J_1BCBTAXPROC Calculation Procedures for Condition Based Tax Calculation
J_1BCONDTAXACT Activate Condition-Based Tax Calculation
J_1BMWSKZKALSM Assign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax Code
J_1BNFLWCOND Tax Law Conditions Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BTXCOND Map Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condition Types
J_1BVIEWMAP Map Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables
J_1B_CBT_CHECKS Condition-Based Tax Calculation Brazil: Checks
J_1BLB08 Registro de Apuração do IPI: List control additional accts
J_1BLB09 Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acct
J_1BVEHICTYPEUSG Vehicle Type And Usage
J_1BEFD_MAT_TYPE Equivalence of custom material types to standard types
J_1BTFISC_ID Tax Incentive ID (Incentive ID) table
J_1BTFISC_ID_SD Tax Incentive ID (Incentive ID) for SD table
J_1BTFISC_INCT Tax Incentive Type table
J_1BCTE_PAR_MAP CT-e: Mapping to NF-e Partner Function
J_1BCTE_CFOP_DET CT-e CFOP Determination Law
J_1BCUST_SCFSEL Field Selection for Customer Master Data
J_1BNFW_SCGA Assignment of Tabs/Subscreens to Group (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCGAIT Assignment of Tabs/Subscreens to Group (Item)
J_1BVEND_SCFSEL Field Selection for Vendor Master Data
J_1BNFE_PROC Settings for NF-e Business Processes
J_1BNFDANG_GOODS Control derivation of automatic NF texts for dangerous goods
J_1BNFE_EVEMAP Link Table for Internal & external Events
J_1BNFE_PROC_CT Process Attributes Display Control
J_1BPIS_C_CFOP2 Indicates if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situation
J_1BAKH Assignment of Field to Field Group (Header)
J_1BAKIT Assignment of Field to Field Group (Item)
J_1BTNBS Nomenclature services table
J_1BFORMULA_MAP Brazil: Formula Determination
J_1BPISCOF_BASE Definition of a configurable base for PIS / COFINS
LOGBR_ABRASF_DET LC 116 Service Type Determination
LOGBR_ACC_PROCD Define Procedure for Account Determination in Billing
LOGBR_REINF_DET EFD-REINF Service Type Determination
FIWTBRC_TDS_THR Store daily threshold amount for Brazil withholding tax
J_1BNFE_UOM_MAP Units of Measurement
J_1BNFE_PAR_MAP Mapping to NF-e Partner Function
LOGBR_OTC_SCC Screen Control for OTC fields
LOGBR_NFA_SERIES BR Logistics: Electronic Nota Fiscal Avulsa Series
LOGBR_NF_PSTDAT Activate Posting Date for NF Types Configuration
LOGBR_FT_BPTINID Assign TIN Tax Number Categories to Country/Region Codes