Funds Management Saudi Arabia (FI-LOC-FM-SA)

ID: EBJ0000111
Table Description
SAFM_APD_PP_ROOT Payment Proposal - Root
SAFM_APD_PP_DOCU Payment Proposal - Document
SAFM_APD_PP_DETL Payment Proposal - Document Detail
SAFM_AP_PAYT KSA: Data for Payment documents
SAFM_AP_TRACKMOF Tracking information for MOF payments
FILFGNC_ROLESEQ Assign Form Signatures to Roles
SAFM_APD_REV_ERR Clearing document numbers of erroneous reversal
SAFM_AP_PRL_STAT PRL Expenditure Order Status
SAFM_APC_PYBSTYP Type of Payment Basis Document
KSAFIGLD_GRTOVR Account groups to versions
FILFGNC_ROLEID Role IDs for FI Leagal Forms
SAFM_APC_PYBSTYT Payment Basis Document Type Text
KSAFIGLD_GRTOVRT Text table for groups to versions table
SAFM_APC_EXPO_TY Types and properties of Expenditure Orders
SAFMC_CHAPTR_MAP Customizing for Chapters mapping to CI Groups
SAFM_APC_CEX_ACT Activate Collective Expenditure Order
SAFM_APC_PRSL_NR Payment Proposal Number Range
SAFM_APC_PYWRKFL Switch on/off Worflow for Payment Types
SAFM_AP_PP_RCUS Timepoint Role Code Usage Restrictions
SAFM_AP_PRL_EODT Document Types for Collective Expenditure Order