Funds Management Qatar (FI-LOC-FM-QA)

ID: EBJ0000110
T-Code Description Tables
QAFM_BT_EST_CONS Budget Estimation and Consolidation 10
QAFM_BT_EXP_DEPARTM Budget and Expenditures by Departmen 6
QAFM_BT_EXP_MONTH Budget and Expenditures by Period 9
QAFM_BT_EXP_QUARTER Budget and Expenditures by Quarter 10
QAFM_BT_SUG_CH4 Budget suggestions for key Chapt. IV 8
QAFM_DETLIABPER Detail of Liabilities By Period 20
QAFM_PRT_AGREEMORDE Agreement Order print 9
QAFM_PRT_FUNDRESERV Funds Reservation print 9
QAFM_PRT_OBLIGORDE Obligation Order print 16
QAFM_STATEMENT Statement of Account 20