Funds Management Arabic Emirates (FI-LOC-FM-AE)

ID: EBJ0000106
T-Code Description Tables
AEFI_0701 Certificate of ownership (AE) 128
AEFI_0812 Vendor Statement (AE) 10
AEFM_0101 Budget Preparation Overview (AE) 3
AEFM_0102 Budget Preparation by Program (AE) 3
AEFM_0103 Budget Transfer by Commit. Item (AE) 3
AEFM_0104 Budget Transfer by CmtItem/Prog (AE) 3
AEFM_0105 Overview of Budget Entry Doc. (AE) 3
AEFM_0106 Budget Consumption (AE) 4
AEFM_0107 Estimated Revenue Budget (AE) 3
AEFM_0813 Account level budget transfer (AE) 3
AEFM_0815 Summary of Budget and Expenditures 3
AEFM_08G1 Revenue Budget (AE) 3
AEFM_08G2 Expenses Budget (AE) 3
AEFM_08G3 Implemented Projects (AE) 3
AEFM_08G4 Budget update documents (AE) 3
S_EII_01000029 - 0
S_EII_01000030 - 0
S_EII_01000031 - 0
S_EII_01000033 - 0
S_EII_01000034 - 0