Cash Management China (FI-LOC-CM-CN)

ID: EBJ0000131
Table Description
BOE_REF_DOC Reference documnet for BoE
BOE_END_ITEM Endorse item data table
PAYREQN_PAYITM Payment Requisition: Payment Item
PAYREQN_REQNITM Payment Requisition: Requisition Item
BOE_DOC Boe Document
BOE_DIS_ITEM Discount item data table
BOE_COL_ITEM Collection item data table
BOE_PAY_ITEM Payment item data table
PAYREQN_REQN Payment Requisition
BOE_ACTION_REQ Boe action request
BOE_CUS_ITEM Custody item data table
BOE_PLE_ITEM Pledge item data table of BoE management
BOE_D_EXCEPT Exception Data of BOE Counting
BOE_D_INVENTORY Making inventory of bill of exchange receivable
BOE_D_INVE_ITEM Table of BOE Counting Item
BOE_D_LOCK Lock Data of BOE Counting
PAYREQN_REQNITMD Draft Table for entity R_CN_RequisitionItemTP
PAYREQN_PAYSTGYD Draft Table for entity R_CN_RequisitionPayStrategyTP
PAYREQN_HIST Payment Requisition History
PAYREQN_PAYITMD Draft Table for entity R_CN_RequisitionPaymentItemTP
PAYREQN_PAYNOTED Draft Table for entity R_CN_RequisitionPaymentNoteTP
PAYREQN_REQND Draft table for entity R_CN_PaymentRequisitionTP
BOE_OP_HISTORY Operation history data table
PAYREQN_PAYSTGY Payment Requisition: Payment Strategy
PAYREQN_HISTD Draft Table for entity R_RequisitionHistoryTP
PAYREQN_STGHISTD Draft Table for entity R_CN_ReqnPaytStrategyHistoryTP
CMATTA SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
CMPHIO Cash Management: Physical information object instances
CMPHRE Cash Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents
PAYREQN_INB_MSG Payment Requisition Inbound Payment Process Message
CMPHHRPR Cash Management: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
CMPHHR Cash Management: Use of target anchors in physical objects
BOE_STS Data table for BoE status
CMCHKF Cash Management: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
CMIDXSTA Cash Management: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PH
CMLOIOT Cash Mangement: Incoming Relationships of Logical Informatio
CMLORE Cash Mangement: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOI
CMLOREPR Cash Mangement: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOI
CMLORI Cash Mangement: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Informatio
CMLORIPR Cash Mangement: Logical information object attribute values
CMPHF Cash Management: Physical information object incoming relati
CMPHNM Cash Management: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Obje
CMPHNMPR Cash Management: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
CMPHREPR Cash Management: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PH
CMPHRIPR Cash Management: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
PAYREQN_ACTIVATE Payment Requisition Solution Activation
CMCHKO Cash Management: Files of Physical Information Objects
PAYREQN_PAYNOTE Payment Requisition: Payment Note
CMLOIO Cash Mangement: Logical information object instances
PAYREQN_REASON Payment Block Reason & Reverse Reason for Mix Payment
CMLOPR Cash Mangement: Logical information object descriptions
BOE_BUF_REG Buffer register table
BOE_EXEPT_REA Maintenance View of Supplementary Reason
BOE_COUNT_OPTION Bill of Exchange Count Options
BOE_CUST_ACT Enable customer enhance status
BOE_C_AMOUNT Max allowed amount in local currency
BOE_C_AMT_AP Max allowed amount in local currency
BOE_C_AMT_HB Max amount per certain custumer for rec. BoE
BOE_C_AMT_KN Max amount per certain custumer for rec. BoE
BOE_C_AMT_LF Maximal amount for Payable BoE per Vender
BOE_C_CB_INT BoE configuration for Cash Budgeting Integration
BOE_C_CHG_DIST Banks charges distribuion type for batch operation
BOE_C_POST_ACC (obsolete)'Post on account' mothod: use New UI or SAP GUI UI
BOE_C_REQUEST Configuration of Transaction & Request Enabling
BOE_C_T_AND_R Configuration of Enabling Transactions & Requests
BOE_STATUS_GRP BoE status grouping
BOE_T_BUK Table for company used bill of exchange