S4CRM: Products (CRM-S4-MD-PRO)

ID: AG90000053
Table Description
CRMC_PRIL_STOREL Definition of Static Object Relations
CRMC_PRIL_OBJREL Object Model with Dynamic Object Relationships
CRMC_PRIL_OBJ Assignment of Interaction Layer Objects to CRM Objects
CRMS4C_PRIL_REL Customizing: Product Object Relations in BOL
CRMS4C_IC_EQUI Customizing for IC WebClient Equipment creation
CRMS4C_PRIL_OBJ Customizing: Product Objects in BOL
CRMC_PRIL_OBCLAS Assigning Handling Class to Object
CRMS_PRIL_OBKIND Definition of Object Types
CRMS_PRIL_OKSET Handling Class for Set Types
CRMS4C_IC_EQUI_T Descriptin table for equipment profile in different language