S4CRM: Communication Channels (CRM-S4-IC-CHA)

ID: AG90000034
Table Description
CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table (Item)
CRMD_IM_TABLE_T Texts for CRM Table in Mail Form
CRMD_PML_DESCR Personalized Mails: Text Table for Mail forms and MFelements
CRMD_PML_ELE Personalized Mails: Mail forms element table for ADM data
CRMD_PML_HEAD Personalized Mails: Header table for mail forms (ADM data)
CRMD_PML_CONDS Personalized Mails: Conditions for mail form elements
CRMD_IM_ML_HEAD Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table (Header)
CRMD_IM_ML_SMART Internet Marketing: Additional Mail Data
CRMD_PML_TXTSUBJ Personalized Mails: Details for elements 'Text' / 'Subject'
CRMD_IM_LINK Personalized Mails: 'Tracking Enabled URLs' with Attributes
CRMC_IC_CADPROF Contact Attached Data Profile
CRMC_IM_SCEN Scenario / Dynamic attributes in Mail Form
CRMC_IM_ADRESS Marketing: E-Mail Addresses
CRMC_IM_CAT Personalized Mails: Categories for URLs
CRMC_IM_CAT_T Personalized Mails: Text Table for CRMC_IM_CAT
CRMC_IM_SCEN_T Text table for the scenario/ Dynamic attributes in Mail Form
CRMS_PML_MOD Personalized Mails: GENIL model table
CRMS_PML_MTH Personalized Mails: GENIL methods table
CRMS_PML_OBJ Personalized Mails: GENIL object table
CRMC_MKT_CUSTCON Marketing Customer Connection Functionality Activation
CRMC_IM_ENVELOP Marketing: E-Mail Envelope
CRMD_PML_TEMPL Personalized Mails: Template/Versioning table for mail forms