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- Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM)
- Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC)
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- Cross-Application Components (CA)
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- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
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- Web Channel (WEC)
Actual Costing (CO-PC-ACT)
ID: HLA0009422
T-Code | Description | Tables |
CKM9 | Show Customizing Settings for Plant | 45 |
CKMACD | Value Flow Display f. Activity Types | 40 |
CKMB_RUN | Create Basic List for Costing Run | 21 |
CKMC_CKMLXX | Consistency CKMLXX | 23 |
CKMC_RUN | Set Costing Sequence | 22 |
CKMD | Transactions for a Material | 34 |
CKMDELETE | Reset Prod. Startup of Mat. Ledger | 100 |
CKMDISPACT | Technical Activity Type View | 15 |
CKMDISPDOC | Technical View ML Document | 18 |
CKMDISPPOH | Technical View of Order Development | 17 |
CKMDISPTAB | Technical View of ML Master Data | 27 |
CKMF | Allow Price Determination | 7 |
CKMF_RUN | Allow Price Determination for Run | 21 |
CKMG | Allow Closing Entries | 7 |
CKMG_RUN | Allow Closing Entries for Run | 21 |
CKMH | Single-Level Price Determination | 19 |
CKMH_RUN | Single-Level Price Det.for Costg Run | 24 |
CKMI | Post Closing | 21 |
CKMI_RUN | Post Closing for Run | 24 |
CKMJ | Display Organizational Measures | 4 |
CKMJ_RUN | Organizational Measures for Run | 21 |
CKMKO88SIM | Simulate order settlement | 171 |
CKMLBB_AGGREGATE | Calculate Periodic Receipt Values | 12 |
CKMLBB_FIFO_CALCULAT | Calculate FIFO Prices | 11 |
CKMLBB_PERIODS_LIST | Display Periodic Receipt Values | 12 |
CKMLBB_PRICES_CHANGE | Price Change with Alternat. Prices | 30 |
CKMLBB_PRICES_LIST | Display Alternative Prices | 11 |
CKMLCP | Cockpit Actual Costing | 5 |
CKMLCPAVROLD | AVR Cockpit (Old) | 5 |
CKMLCPH | Actual Costing Cockpit | 5 |
CKMLCPOLD | Actual Costing Cockpit (Old) | 5 |
CKMLCPT | Costing Cockpit for Run Template | 5 |
CKMLLACHANGE | Display ActvPrices, Change NO_SETTLE | 22 |
CKMLLASHOW | Display Activity Prices | 22 |
CKMLMAT | Display Material List | 10 |
CKMLMVCHECK | Quantity Structure Consistency | 13 |
CKMLMV_MCA_N | Mass Maintenance: Controlling Levels | 23 |
CKMLOH | PO History/Multiple Currencies | 18 |
CKMLPOH | Order History Display | 20 |
CKMLPROT | Delete Logs | 5 |
CKMLQS | Valuated Quantity Structure(M-level) | 11 |
CKMLRUNCUMDEL | Delete costing run cumulation | 18 |
CKMLRUNDEL | Delete Costing Run (Actual Costing) | 18 |
CKMLRUNREORG | Reorganization of Costing Runs | 22 |
CKMLSTATUS | Materials by Period Status | 16 |
CKMLWIPDEACT | Check Report: WIP Deactivation | 1 |
CKMLXPRA46A | Postprocessing Report for 46A-XPRA | 1 |
CKML_PRICES_SEND | Send Material Prices | 7 |
CKMM | Change Price Determination | 46 |
CKMM_RUN | Multilevel Pr. Deter. for Cstg Run | 33 |
CKMPDB | Price Difference Balance | 14 |
CKMPROTDIS | Display Log | 6 |
CKMREDWIP | Value Flow Display for Reduced WIP | 33 |
CKMREP | Repair Program for ML Tables | 22 |
CKMRESTART | Restart ML and ACT | 2 |
CKMS | Material Ledger Docs for Material | 19 |
CKMSTART | Production Startup of Mat. Ledger | 74 |
CKMTOPPRICEDIF | Mat. with Highest MAP Difference | 19 |
CKMTOPSTOCKVAL | Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value | 31 |
CKMVAPP | Data Transfer: Val. Production Plan | 29 |
CKMVFM | Value Flow Monitor | 55 |
CKMVFM_DEL | Delete Extract | 5 |
COMLI | Post WIP Closing for Activities | 33 |
COMLWIPDISP | Trans. For Prog. Display_WIP_OBJ_M | 37 |
FCML4H_STARTUP | Set ML Actual Costing as Productive | 18 |
FML42 | ML Help Desk Cockpit | 1 |
FMLBH | Data Integrity Analysis for ML | 9 |
FMLCONS | Consistency Analysis for ML | 12 |
FMLCONSMLFI | Inventory Value Consistency Check | 5 |
FMLSHOWCUST | Show ML Customizing Settings | 78 |
KALNRCHECK | Consist. Check for Costing Run Nos. | 22 |
KALNRREORG | Reorg. of Old Costing Number Entries | 22 |
MGV_CORRECT | Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure | 11 |
ML4HPDB | Price Difference Balance Monitor | 13 |
ML4HVFM | Value Flow Monitor | 11 |
MLDOC_AGING_ANALYSIS | Analyse ML documents | 6 |
MR23 | Adjustment of Inventory Value | 11 |
OMX4 | Number Range Maintenence: ML-DOCU. | 4 |
OMX_NLINK_DISP | Assign Contr. Level to Process Cat. | 4 |
OMX_NRULE_DISP | Display Controlling Levels | 2 |
OMX_UMB_ACCOUNTS | Display Accounts for Account Key UMB | 4 |
SAPRCKMZ | Material Ledger Data Several Periods | 23 |
CK91N | Edit Procurement Alternatives | 0 |
CKM3 | Material Price Analysis | 0 |
CKM3A | Activity Consumption Analysis | 0 |
CKM3AOLD | Activity Consumption Analysis | 0 |
CKM3N | Material Price Analysis | 0 |
CKM3OLD | Material Price Analysis | 0 |
CKM3PH | Material Price History | 0 |
CKM3PHOLD | Material Price History | 0 |
CKM3VERYOLD | Display Material Ledger Data | 0 |
CKM3_NAV | Material Price Analysis | 0 |
CKMADJUST | Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet (Obsolete) | 0 |
CKMARCHBEL | Archive Document | 0 |
CKMARCHDAT | Archive Period Records | 0 |
CKMARCHIDX | Archive Index Entries | 0 |
CKMARCHRUN | Archive Period Records | 0 |
CKMARCHSPL | Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs | 0 |
CKMARCHWIP | Archive WIP for Actual Costs | 0 |
CKMB | Display Material Ledger Document | 0 |
CKMC | Consistency Check for a Material | 0 |
CKMCCC | Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Split | 0 |
CKMCCD | ManChang: Display Actual CC Split | 0 |
CKMCCE | Man. Change of Transfer Price Markup | 0 |
CKMCCF | Man. Display of Transf. Price Markup | 0 |
CKMCCS | Display Actual Cost Component Split | 0 |
CKMHELPWIP | Helpdesk for WIP | 0 |
CKML | Actual Costing/Material Ledger | 0 |
CKMLCPMLBF | Material Ledger Budget Cockpit | 0 |
CKMLLA | Prices in the Material Ledger | 0 |
CKMLLACREATE | Create ML-AT Master Data Manually | 0 |
CKMLMV_CA | Edit Controlling Level | 0 |
CKML_FPR1N | Edit Production Process | 0 |
CKML_SURF | Edit Prcrmnt / Cnsmptn Alternatives | 0 |
CKRU00 | Create ML Costing Run | 0 |
CKRU01 | ML Costing Run, Create Profile | 0 |
CKRU02 | ML Costing Run, Change Profile | 0 |
CKRU03 | ML Costing Run, Display Profile | 0 |
CKRU04 | Display Selection | 0 |
CKRU05 | Display ML Costing Run | 0 |
CKRU06 | Delete ML Costing Run | 0 |
CKRU07 | Plants in Costing Runs | 0 |
CKRU08 | Display Levels | 0 |
COMLWIPARCH | Archive WIP Quantities Document | 0 |
COMLWIPDOC | Display WIP Quantities Document | 0 |
FCML0 | Transfer ML Data to CO | 0 |
FCML1 | Transfer Depreciation to CO | 0 |
FCML2 | Alternative Accounts for ML Postings | 0 |
FCMLACC | HANA Accelerator for Material Ledger | 0 |
FCMLHELP | Helpdesk | 0 |
FCML_DDOWN_C | Maintain ML Drilldown Reporting | 0 |
FCML_NWG | Material Ledger Network Graphics | 0 |
FCML_ONLUP_C | Update Strategy ML Reporting Table | 0 |
FCML_VIP_C | Maintain ML Virtual Info Providers | 0 |
FMLHELP | Material Ledger Support Tools | 0 |
MLCCSPD | Cost Components for Price | 0 |
MLDOC_AGING_RULES | Rules for Data Aging ML documents | 0 |
OMRW | Treatment of Exch. Rate Differences | 0 |
OMX0 | Assign ML Movement Type Groups | 0 |
OMX1 | ML Activation in n Valuation Areas | 0 |
OMX2 | Define Material Ledger Type | 0 |
OMX3 | ML Assignment of Valuation Area | 0 |
OMX5 | Dyn. Price Release Plan. Pr. Change | 0 |
OMX6 | Texts for Currency Types/Valuations | 0 |
OMX7 | Definition ML Movement Type Groups | 0 |
OMX8 | Assign Material Update Structure | 0 |
OMX9 | Define Material Update Structure | 0 |
OMXA | Display Quantity Structure Type | 0 |
OMXB | Define Naming Rule | 0 |
OMXC | Rules for Name Formation | 0 |
OMXD | Maintain Naming Structure | 0 |
OMXE | Assign Naming Structure to Plant | 0 |
OMXF | Activate Actual Cst Component Split | 0 |
OMXG | Maintain Key Figure Scheme | 0 |
OMXH | Maintain FIFO Variant | 0 |
OMXW | Activate WIP at Actual Costs | 0 |
OPR4_ACT | Multilevel Actual Settlement | 0 |
S_AL0_96000544 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01000986 | - | 0 |
S_ALN_01002318 | - | 0 |
S_ALR_87005127 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORK3OMX3 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005135 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORK3OMX2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87005138 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORK3OMX1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008078 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMWOMX8 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008079 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMWOMX9 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008080 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMWOMX0 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008130 | IMG Activity: CFMENUOLMWOMX2 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008131 | IMG Activity: CFMENUOLMWOMX1 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008135 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMWOMX7 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008137 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLMWOMX4 | 0 |
S_ALR_87008138 | IMG Activity: CFMENUOLMWOMX3 | 0 |
S_ALR_87100591 | - | 0 |
S_E38_98000151 | - | 0 |
S_E38_98000152 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000223 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000225 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000226 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000227 | - | 0 |
S_EB5_05000659 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_45000040 | - | 0 |
S_EBJ_98000201 | - | 0 |
S_EE6_85000155 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000067 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000415 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000416 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000417 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000535 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000812 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11000813 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001343 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001351 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001353 | - | 0 |
S_ER9_11001540 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000054 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000055 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000056 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000057 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000058 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000059 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000060 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000061 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000062 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000063 | - | 0 |
S_EX1_23000065 | - | 0 |
S_P99_41000283 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000060 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000061 | - | 0 |
S_PL0_09000062 | - | 0 |
V_CKMLKONT | Acc. Assignment Reason to Acct Modif | 0 |