Reset Prod. Startup of Mat. Ledger | Component: Actual Costing

Transaction Tables

ACDOCA Universal Journal Entry Line Items
AFPO Order item
BKPF Accounting Document Header
CKMLKEV Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Control Record)
CKMLKEVLD Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Control Record)
CKMLLACR ML Activity Type: Period Record/Currency Record
CKMLLACRLD ML Activity Type: Period Record/Currency Record
CKMLMV003 Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies
CKMLMV004 Process model: Withdrawals
CKMLPRKEKO Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Header) for Prices
CKMLPRKEKOLD Mat. Led. CCS (Header) for Prices with Ledger
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
MLAUFCR Material Ledger Currency Table for Order History
MLAUFCRLD Mat. Led. Currency Table for Order History icnl. Ledger
MLAUFKEPH ML: Cost Component Split (Components) for Order History
MLAUFKEPHLD ML: Cost Component Split for Order History icnl. Ledger
MLCD Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents)
MLCR Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values
MLCRLD Material Ledger Document: Currency per Ledger and Values
MLHD Material Ledger Document: Header
MLIT Material Ledger Document: Items
MLMST Material Ledger Document: Costing Run Header Data
MLORDERHIST Conversion Table for Order History
MLPP Material Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities
MLPRKEKO ML Document: Cost Component Split (Header)for Prices
MLPRKEKOLD ML Document: CCS (Header) for Prices per Ledger


AUFK Order master data
CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLLAHD ML Activity Types: Header Record
CKMLMV001 Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV007R Name formation (naming rules)
CKMLMV009 Process Catagory
CKMLPRKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
CKMLPRKEPHLD Mat. Led. CCS (Elements) for Prices with Ledger
EBEW Sales Order Stock Valuation
FAGL_TLDGRP Ledger Group
FINCS_MAP_RLDNR Mapping of Source Ledger to Consolidation Chart of Accounts
FINSC_CT_DELTA Delta Currency and Valuation Types
FINSC_CURTYPE Currency type
FINSC_LEDGER Universal Journal Entry Ledger
FINS_CO_DOCT_VAR Variant for Mapping CO Bus. Transact. to Document Types
FINS_MPROJECT Mass Data Project: Projects
FINS_MPROJ_STAT Mass Data Project: Status Table
FMLT_MIGRATION Control Records for S/4HANA Material Ledger Migration
MBEW Material Valuation
MLKEPH ML Document: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Values
MLKEPHLD ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Values per Ledger
MLPRKEPH ML Document: Cost Component Split (Components)for Prices
MLPRKEPHLD ML Document: CCS (Elements) for Prices per Ledger
OBEW Valuated Stock with Subcontractor
QBEW Project Stock Valuation
T001 Company Codes
T001K Valuation area
T001W Plants/Branches
T148 Special Stock Indicator
T811C Allocations: Cycles
T881 Ledger Master
TCKMHD Description of Material Ledger Type
TKA01 Controlling Areas
TKA02 Controlling area assignment
TKA09 Basic Settings for Versions