Value Flow Display f. Activity Types | Component: Actual Costing

Transaction Tables

AFPO Order item
CKMLCR Material Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
CKMLLACR ML Activity Type: Period Record/Currency Record
CKMLLAPP ML Activity Types: Period Records
CKMLMV003 Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies
CKMLMV004 Process model: Withdrawals
CKMLMV004WIP Process Model: Deductions WIP
CKMLPP Material Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
CKMLRUNPLANT Organizational units in a material ledger costing run
COBK CO Object: Document Header
MLCD Material Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents)
MLCR Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values
MLDOC Material Ledger Document
MLHD Material Ledger Document: Header
MLIT Material Ledger Document: Items
MLPP Material Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities
MSEG Document Segment: Material


AUFK Order master data
CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record
CKMLKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements)
CKMLLAHD ML Activity Types: Header Record
CKMLMV001 Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV011 Costing run: Object list
CKMLMV011F Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List
CKMLPRKEPH Material Ledger: Cost Component Split (Elements) for Prices
CKMLRUNPERIOD Material ledger costing run for one month
CSSL Cost Center/Activity Type
MARC Plant Data for Material
OBEW Valuated Stock with Subcontractor
T001K Valuation area
T001W Plants/Branches