Layered Repository (CA-UI5-FL-LRP)

ID: /UI5/U020000012
Table Description
/UIF/LREPDCONTCD LRep content table - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDCONTCV LRep content table for versions - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDCONTU LRep content table - user-dependent
/UIF/LREPDTEXTCD LRep text table - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDTEXTU LRep text table - user-dependent
/UIF/LREPDATOCD LRep ATO item assignment
/UIF/LREPDLDVSCD LRep load version database table
/UIF/LREPDATTRCD LRep attribute table - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDATTRU LRep attribute table - user-dependent
/UIF/LREPDTXTTCD LRep text table - transportable java-style text translations
/UIF/LREPDLTXTCD LRep long text table - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDLTXTU LRep long text table - user-dependent
/UIF/LREPDSTXTCD LRep short text table - client-dependent
/UIF/LREPDSTXTU LRep short text table - user-dependent
/UIF/LREPDLCKUSR Table for load consistency check batch user
/UIF/LREPDCTYPE LRep change type definition table
/UIF/LREPDCTYPEF LRep change type file type filter
/UIF/LREPPARAREP DB with input parameter of an Report
/UIF/LREPREPORT DB with Reports that are registered for the Sup. Framework
/UIF/LREPTYPEPAR DB with the Parameter of each report type
/UIF/LREPHCHECK LREP: health checks customizing
/UIF/LREPDTYPE LRep type definition table
/UIF/LREPDLSET LRep Load Settings