Joint Venture und Production Sharing Accounting (CA-JVA)

ID: ALR0002181
Table Description
PSAHD PSA Document Header
SMJV Specific CO-OM Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_coom)
JVBX JV Billing Database (INDX-Table)
T8PSA_STOCK_ADJ PSA Stock Adjustment
JVOO1 Object Table for FI-SL Table JVTO1
PSCHD PSC document header
JVPSC01O Object table 1
JVOO2 JV Billing FI-SL Object Table
JVPO1 JVA: Plan Line Items
JVSO1 JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1
JVGLFLEXA view General Ledger: Actual Line Items
JVPSC01A Actual line item table
JVPSC01P Plan line item table
JVA_INTC_CYC JV Interest calculation cycle
JVGLFLEXT view General Ledger: Totals
JVGLFLEXP General Ledger: Plan Line Items
JVKONV IS-Oil / Joint Venture / Data table for CRP pricing data
JVSO2 JV Billing FI-SL Line Item
JVPSC01T Summary table
T8PSA_PREPOST Preliminary Posting
T8JEV Joint venture event table
T8PSA_EVENT PSA Event table
JVA_FUND_CTL JV Funding control table
JVPSC01C Object table 2
JVS1 JV Line Items
JVA_INTC_HDR JV Interest calculation header
JVA_FUND_EVT JV Funding event table
JVTO1 JV Summary Table with Objects
T8PSA_COST_ADJ PSA Cost Adjustment
JVCO1 JV Object Table 2 for JVTO1
JVA_FILE_LOG JVA logging for files
T8PSC_PERIOD PSC open production periods
T8J_GJCB_REV Cutback reversal control table
PSACR PSA Document Currencies
T8PSA_OPEN_PER Open Periods
T8PSA_PSC_WAP Weighted Average Price
PSCCR PSC document line item amounts
T8JVBA Documents included in Bank Account Switching
T8PSA_LIFT_TERM Lifting Volumes by terminal
T8PSA_LIFT_VOL Lifting Volumes
T8PSC_LIFT PSC Lifting Data
PSAIT PSA Document Items
PSCIT PSC document line items
T8PSC_ADJUST PSC Adjustment Data
T8PSC_PRICE PSC Production Prices
T8PSC_PROD PSC Production Data
T8PSA_ADJUST_VOL Adjustment Volumes
T8PSA_PRICE_VOL Prices for Volumes
T8PSA_PROD_VOL Production Volumes
T8JTPM Joint Venture Production Month Summary Data
JVTO2 JV Billing FI-SL Summary Table
T8JEVS Joint venture event select options
T8PSA_EVENT_SO Joint venture event select options
T8JFRM_STP Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8PSCMSTR Production Sharing Contract
T8JV Joint Venture
T8PSA_SRC_CC Source Company Code
T8PSCSRCCC Source Company Code Assignment
T8J3E JV Non-operated Billing Operator Codes
A441 CRP Pricing with COND CODE
T8J01 Supplemental detail sets
T8J0R JV Billing format
T8J0V JV Billing types
T8J63 JV EDI Segment Components
T8JBI_THD JVA billing threshold details
T8JCG Customizing groups for authorization
T8JINT Joint Venture Interest Types
T8JMD Customizing Dunning for JVA
T8JSC Joint Venture Substitute Cost Object
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT Conditions used to capture base amount to calculate overhead
T8JOH_COSET_LIST List of cost object sets for each base amount condition
T8J_SUS_CC JV Cost Center in Suspense
T8J_SUS_ORD JV Order in Suspense
T8J_SUS_VENTURE Venture in Suspense
T8JFRM_D_STP Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JFRM_EG Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8PSA_ADJ_REASON PSA Reason Code for Adjustment
T8PSA_PROC_AUTH PSA Process Authorities
T8PSA_BRSCH Arms/Non-arms length
T8PSA_CAL Calculation Scheme
T8PSA_CT_CG Calculation Type Category - replaced with Domain values
T8PSA_PRODUCT Product Master
T8PSA_SRC Sources
T8PSCCAL PSC Calculation scheme
T8PSCCTCG PSC Calculation Type Category
T8PSCGRP Production Sharing Contract Group
T8PSCPRDSET PSC Product set assignment
T8PSCPROD Production Sharing Contract Product
T8PSCSRC PSC Source Master
T8PSCSRCA PSC Rule Source Assignment
T8PSCSRCCCT PSC Source Company Code Assignments Text
T8PSCSRCG PSC Source Group
T8PSCVA PSC Venture Assignment
T8JL Penalty Category Table
T8JL1 Joint Venture: Manipulation Rules for Recovery Indicator
JVA_INTC_GRP JV Interest calculation group
JVA_COST_TYPES Table for JVA Cost types(KPI ID's)
T8JVET Venture Specific Equtiy type Information
T8JZ_MD Master data settings for month-end processing
T8J0A JV Function
T8J0J JV Function Items
T8J2A JV Net Profit Interest Group
T8J8J Parent Company Overheads
T8JS Billing Structures
T8JF Investment Group
T8J7D JV project type information
T8J7E JV cost centre type information
T8J7F JV order type information
T8JG Valid Investment Group
T8JJ Recovery Indicator
T8JW Internal Recovery Indicator
T8JA Payroll Type
T8JE Investment Type
T8JFRM Farm In/Out & Re-Determination (Farm) Main Table
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F Table of Complex Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JQ Joint Venture Owner Equity
T8JU Joint Operating Agreement
T8J0O Billing form routines
T8J3C Joint Venture Non-operated Billing Form Line
T8J0P JV billing programs
T8J9C Joint operating agreement partner shares
T8PSA_TERM Terminal Master Data
T8JOA Company addresses
T8JOH_PERCENT_F Table of Percentage Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F Table of Step Rate Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JVBCC_HB Housebank for cash call direct bill
T8PSA_CSA Calculation Scheme Assignments
T8PSCCSA PSC Calculation Scheme Assignment
T8PSCV PSC Venture Data
T8J8F Drilling Statistical Ratio Assignment
T8J8I Assigned Producing Statistical Ratio Thresholds
T8J9A Equity Group - JOA level
T8JDD JV EDI Inbound: Property Table
T8JOH_FORMULAS Formulas used by each overhead in Overhead Organizer
T8JFRM_ACCT JV Farm In/Out Intercompany adjustment accounts
T8PSA_CAL_CT Calculation Type Master
T8PSA_TERM_PSC Assignment PSC to Terminal
T8PSCCALCT PSC Calculation Type Master Data
T8PSCCT PSC Calculation Type Master Data
JVA_INTC_GRP_TX JV Interest calculation group
T8JOAT Company addresses (text)
T8PSA_SRC_CC_TXT Source Company Code Text
T8PSA_TERM_TXT Terminal Description
T8JVT Joint Venture Description
T8JWT Internal Recovery Indicator Description
T8JET Investment Type Description
T8JJT Recovery Indicator Description
T8J63D JV EDI Segment Component Descriptions
T8J0M JV Billing layout sets
T8J156S JV Appendix for T1156S
T8J5C JV Recovery indicator for supplemental detail
T8J62 JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers
T8J66 JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes
T8J67 JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration
T8J68 JV EDI Terms of payment
T8JCCT JVA: Customizing tables with company code
T8JCGD Definition of customizing groups
T8JDA JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table
T8JDB JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table
T8JDJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table
T8JDK JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table
T8JDL JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping
T8JDM JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A)
T8JDN JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table
T8JDO JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping
T8JDP JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table
T8JDQ JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table
T8JDR JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class)
T8JDS JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc)
T8JDT JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table
T8JDU JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table
T8JDV JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code)
T8JHL Configuration for JV AM/MM Transfers
T8JHM Transaction type per line type
T8JHV Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Table
T8JHY Field selection CRP calculation
T8JIX JV index table
T8JMHDR Field movement for JADE - Header
T8JMUSE Field movement for JADE - Usage
T8JVPSC Venture Assignment to PSC
T8JXC Cross company account determination
T8JXCP Cross company account determination
T8JZSUB Validation of accounting documents
T8JZVAL Validation of JVA Documents
T8J_MODIF Description of all Modifications
T8J0SA JV Function (SAP delivered)
T8JCR JV CRP pricing schema determination
T8JRI JV Recovery indicator determination method
T8JVA_PARAM Additional Parameters for JVA
T8JZ_EXT Additional Parameters for JVA company code dependent
RGJAFVC470 Control table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU
T8PSA_CURR_TYPE PSA Currency and Exchange Rate Types
T8PSA_VIEW_AUTH PSA view authorities
T8PSA_CONVERT Convert Volumes of different UoM and BTU factors
T8PSA_JV Venture Assignment to PSC
T8PSA_PROFIL_DET Profile Detail
T8PSCCONVERT Convert Volumes of different UoM and BTU factors
T8PSCPROFD PSC display profile detail
T8PSCJV Venture Assignment to PSC
JVAFLAGS JVA Activation flags
GJV_PROG_A_FLD Application Program dynpro fields JV BAPI field mapping
GJV_PROG_B_FLD BAPI parameter fields for JV BAPIs field mapping
T8J0MA OCF Billing Groups for Billing Extract and HardCopy Printing
T8JZ_FAGL JV Global Company Parameters for NewGL splitting
T8PSA_RU3_HIST PSA Rollup III History (for compression to a group venture)
T8PSA_RUII_HIST PSA Rollup II History (for produc split by volume)
T8PSA_UE_ASSIGN PSA User exit assignment per non-calc. process
T8J0IA Billing Indicator Mapping wiyh Billing Groups
T8J0NA CI NPI OCF output request settings
T8JSE Expenditure Level per Billing Layout
T8J0E Billing Formats
T8J0F Billing method Posting Rule
T8J0I Billing Indicator Mapping
T8J6K JV EDI Processing Table: Map Biling indicators to EDI Codes
T8JN JV Funding Group assignment
T8JO Partner
T8JP JV Project in Suspense
T8J8C Stepped Rate Thresholds
T8JD Valuation Type With JV-information
T8JR List of jobs/reports in JV Reporting
T8JZ JV Global Company Parameters
JVT1 JV Summary Table