Asset Retirement Obligation Management for Oil & Gas (CA-ARO)

ID: ER91001741
Table Description
ARO_PERIOD_ACCR ARO Periodic Accruals
ARO_OBLIGATION Obligation Administrative Data
ARO_ASSIGNMENTS Table for Object Assignments
ARO_TA Asset Retirement Obligations: Processes/Transactions
ARO_TC_OBL_T Obligation Types
ARO_MAS_ADJ ARO Mass Adjustment Record
ARO_OBL_INDEX Obligation Index Table
ARO_UNDL_INDEX Index Table for Underlying Objects
ARO_UO_HDR Table for Underlying Objects
ARO_TC_CLC_METH Calculation Method
ARO_TC_CUSTSET Customizing for Dynpro Registration
ARO_TC_COTYPE Cost types in a cost estimation plan
ARO_TC_INT Interest Variants/Interest Index - Definition & short desc.
TARO_OTP_ACCDET Account Determination for OTP postings
ARO_T_SCEN_T Asssignment Scenario
ARO_HDR_AP Accounting Principle Specific Header Information
ARO_TA_CALC Calculation steps at cost estimation level
ARO_TA_LAY Acc. principle specific data at cost estimation layer level
ARO_TA_SCAL Simulated calculation steps at cost estimation level
ARO_TA_SLAY Simulated data at cost estimation layer level
ARO_HDR Basic ARO Data (General)
ARO_TC_OBJ_T Customizing for underlying object type
ARO_TA_AP Accounting principle specific amounts per process
ARO_TA_CF Accounting principle specific data at ARO transaction level
ARO_TA_PLAN Settlement Plan at ARO transaction level
ARO_TA_SCF Simulated cash flow data at ARO transaction level
ARO_TC_OBL_T_T Obligation Types Texts
ARO_TC_OBJ_T_T Object type texts
TARO_AA_TRTYPE Assignment of Asset Transaction Type to ARO
ARO_TC_CONFIG General Obligation specific configuration
ARO_CEP_HDR Cost Estimation Plan Header
ARO_CEP_INDEX Cost Estimation Plan Index Table
ARO_CEP_IT Cost Estimation Plan Items
ARO_CEP_IT_AP Obligation Type Specific Cost Estimation Plan Items
ARO_TC_COT_AP Active cost types per Accounting Principles
TARO_ACCDETS4 Account Determination for ARO Accruals
TARO_OT_NR_ASS ARO Assignment of Object Types and Number Range
ARO_T_ASS_CUST Account Assignment Scenarios
TARO_COMPONENT Application Components of ARO