SAP Fiori Launchpad ABAP Services (CA-FLP-ABA)

ID: /UI2/U1Y1000002
Table Description
/UI2/FLPSETPD FLP Settings - Config property definition
/UI2/SEMOBJ Semantic Objects - SAP Delivery
/UI2/PGHEADC FLP Page: Page - Customizing
/UI2/STHEADC FLP Space: Space - Customizing
/UI2/NAV_SEMANT UI BE: Define semantic object for callable entities
/UI2/SEMOBJC Semantic Objects - Customer Table
/UI2/AUTH_SCOPE Authorization Scope
/UI2/EDM_GADG_C UI2: Gadget
/UI2/EDM_USAGE UI2: page usage
/UI2/PGSECC FLP Page: Page Section - Customizing
/UI2/C_ALIASCAT UI2: Customer Catalog System Alias Mapping
/UI2/SYSALIASCAT UI2: Catalog System Alias Mapping
/UI2/EDM_GADGETT UI2: Gadget Texts
/UI2/EDM_GADG_CT UI2: Gadget Texts
/UI2/EDM_PAGET UI2: Page texts
/UI2/EDM_USAGET UI2: Page Gadget Usage: Texts
/UI2/AUTH_OBJTT Authorization Object Type - Description
/UI2/PGHEADCT FLP Page: Page Texts - Customizing
/UI2/PGSECCT FLP Page: Page Section Texts - Customizing
/UI2/STHEADCT FLP Space: Space Texts - Customizing
/UI2/C_ALIASCATT UI2: Catalog Texts (Customer only)
/UI2/SYSALIASCT UI2: Catalog Texts
/UI2/CACHE_SUP Cache support per service
/UI2/C_CACHE_SUP Cache support per service - deprecated
/UI2/POWL_APPLID Registration of POWL APPLID for POWL OData service
/UI2/POWL_QUERY Assignment of POWL query to APPLID for POWL OData service
/UI2/SYSTEMST obsolete - UI Add-On: Title of Systems
/UI2/SYSTT obsolete - UI Add-On: Title of Systems
/UI2/T002_BCP47 Language tags according to BCP 47 standard
/UI2/CONTAINER Personalization service container
/UI2/ITEM Personalization service container item
/UI2/PERS_TRANS Personalization service user transferred
/UI2/CDM_CONVTAG CDM Conversion Tagger
/UI2/LPD_FEEDER UI BE: Launchpad Feeder Class Assignments
/UI2/CNVMSRC Conversion Mapping Source Entities
/UI2/CNVMTGT Conversion Mapping Target Entities
/UI2/SYSTEMALIAS UI2: System Alias Definition
/UI2/CNVMAPSRC Mapping source table
/UI2/CNVPHASE Conversion Phase definition
/UI2/CNVMAPTRGT Mapping Target Table
/UI2/DPS_ACT Activation table for DPS deployment
/UI2/CNVHDLREG Handler registry
/UI2/FLPGRTC FLP Global Runtime Settings
/UI2/FLPRT Active FLP Stack - System Scope
/UI2/FLPRTC Active FLP Stack - Client Scope
/UI2/FLPSET FLP Settings - System Scope
/UI2/FLPSETC FLP Settings - Client scope
/UI2/FLPSETCF FLP Settings - Client scope - Display Filter
/UI2/FLPSETF FLP Settings - System scope - Display Filter
/UI2/FLPSETP FLP Settings - Plugin definition
/UI2/FLPSETPA FLP Settings - Active Plugins - System Scope
/UI2/FLPSETPAC FLP Settings - Active Plugins - Client Scope
/UI2/PGSECAITIC FLP Page: Page Section Assignment Item: Tile - Customizing
/UI2/PGSECAIC FLP Page: Page Section Assignment Item - Customizing
/UI2/URLTREG Registration for URL Templates
SUI_MAP_TX_DOKHL Map Transaction Code to entry in documentation table DOKHL
/UI2/CDM3_EXSCOP CDM Exposure Scope Definition
/UI2/STPGAC FLP Space: Space - Page Assignment - Customizing
/UI2/BUAPPAI Table for Business Apps Assignment Items
/UI2/BUAPPATI Bussiness App: Tile Assignments
/UI2/BUAPPATM Business App: Target Mapping Assignments
/UI2/BUAPPHEAD Header Table for Business Apps
/UI2/BUAPPHEADT Header Table for Business Apps: Texts
/UI2/RAREPOCO RA Repository Checkouts
/UI2/RAREPODEF RA Repository Definition
/UI2/RAUSERCONT RA Repository User specific content
/UI2/FEEDBACK_CN HTTP Destination for Fiori Feedback Service
/UI2/MERGE_CAT Customizing Settings for /UI2/MERGE_CATALOG
/UI2/CACHE_DIR Cache types directory
/UI2/CACHE_REG Cache types class registration
/UI2/CFG The configuration table
/UI2/C_ALIAS UI2: Customer System Aliases (Backend Context)
/UI2/C_SYSALIAS UI2: System Alias Definition (Customer only)