DMS Integration for Viewer/CAD intergration (CA-DMS-CNV)

ID: EBS0000101
Table Description
VEOBJECT Table containing business objects and its relations
VEERP_LINKS Table for maintaining VE ERP Links
DMS_VEG_LOOKUP Lookup table to store CAD config and DIR for VEG integration
VEMETADATA Table for maintaining metadata of Visual objects
VERELATION Table for maintaining relationship between VE objects
VELONGTEXT Table for storing long text along with language
DMS_VWR_ACT_PROF Viewer activity Profile
DMS_VEG_CS Storage location for distributed scenario
DMS_VEG_CUST DMS VEG Conversion Specifications
DMS_VEG_TAG Assembly Tagging Customizing Table
DMS_VEG_VSS Search sequence for viewable file
DMS_VWR_ACTIONS Table for Standard Viewer Actions
CPDC_GROUP Table for Groups
DMS_SHA_VWR_CUST Customizing table for Shattered viewing
DMS_VEG_FILTER_P DMS VEG Conversion filter profiles specification