CTT-Customer Test Tool, S4C-START for S/4HANA CE (CA-CTT-S4C)

ID: /FTI/B4D1000012
Table Description
START_SCHDULE_TP Test Plan Scheduling data
START_A_PR_STEPS A table for saving test steps
START_S_PR_HDR S Table for Process data
START_A_PR_HDR Table for storing Process
START_S_PR_STEPS S Table for START test steps
START_A_DATA_VAR Table to store Data Variance
START_S_DATA_VAR S table for Data Variants
START_TP_VARS Global Data Variants for Test Plan
START_TESTPLAN A table for test plan
START_TP_MAP Mapping between testplan and BPD
START_LOG Table for Log
START_S_PR_ITEMS S table for mapping between BPD and steps
START_HC_CHECKS Health Check Checks
START_S_MAPPING Test Tool mapping Artifacts
START_PUT_TP A table for test plan
START_DEFAULTS Fields for START Data Containers
START_S_TP_MAP Mapping between testplan and BPD
TDC_A_AREA_MAP TDC Area mapping table
TDC_S_AREA_MAP TDC Area mapping table
START_A_PR_ITEMS A table for mapping between BPD and steps
TDC_A_REPO_MAP TDC Mapping Area process & Global repository
TDC_S_REPO_MAP TDC Mapping Area process & Global repository
START_BPD_CHANGE Changes in Standard Test Automates
START_SA_DEL_DET Deletion Details for standard Actions
TDC_S_APPAREA Application area for the fields
START_S_TESTPLAN A table for test plan
START_UPG_SCOPE Test Tool Upgrade test scope for customer
TDC_A_VAR TDC Table for Variant name & description
TDC_S_VAR TDC Table for Variant name & desc
START_BREAKPOINT Table for breakpoints
START_A_WGUI_DET WEBGUI Elements Additional Details
START_S_WGUI_DET WEBGUI Elements Additional Details
START_A_ROLE_MAP Mapping between standard process steps & user defined roles
START_HCP_CRED S/4 Tenant Test User - Client Dependent
START_A_PR_MAP A table for Process to Teststep mapping
START_CONNECTION S4C Connection Status
START_A_PUT_AUT Post-upgrade test execution – Automate execution in PUT run
START_A_PR_ACTIV Configuration Table to maintain active scope Items for TAT
START_S_PR_ACTIV Active Scope Items based on country
START_APP_INFO Application Information
START_CUST_CHANG Change Category for application changes
START_LOG_SS Table for Log Screenshot
START_CALM_ATRIB CALM Integration attributes
START_S_SRPAYMAP DB table for service details and payload mapping
START_A_MYTP_TDC A table for MYTP-TDC Integration
START_A_PR_TDC Pre-packaging TDC integration table
START_S_MYTP_TDC S table for MYTP-TDC Integration
START_S_PR_TDC Pre-packaging TDC integration table
START_A_PR_TAGS A table for Plan Tags
START_A_SRPAYMAP DB table for service details and payload mapping
START_A_SR_PAYL DB table for Service-payload mapping
START_S_SR_PAYL DB table for Service-payload mapping
TDC_A_VAR_MAP TDC Variant mapping table
TDC_S_TAGMAP Application Tag mapping
TDC_S_VAR_MAP TDC Variant mapping table
START_A_OR_MAP Mapping Table for Object Repository and S4C
START_S_OR_MAP Mapping Table for Object Repository and S4C
START_A_STEP_TDC A Custom table for mapping between TDC & MYTP Steps
START_S_STEP_TDC A table for mapping between TDC & MYTP Steps
START_S_SERVICE DB table for Scope item and service mapping
TDC_A_TAGMAP Application Tag mapping
START_A_TDC_VAR TDC & S4C Variant Mapping Table
TDC_A_CONT_MAP TDC container mapping table
TDC_S_CONT_MAP TDC container mapping table
START_A_ELE_DET Object Repository Element Details
START_S_ELE_DET Object Repository Element Details
START_API_MAPING Mapping Table Of S4C and API integration
START_APP_TAGS table to store the applications tags supported by start tool
START_A_ENTITY Store Entity information for APIs
START_S_ENTITY Store Entity information for APIs
START_A_AUTH_URL Conditional URL table - to bypass custom IDP
START_A_COM_SC Communication scenario service Mapping table for API
START_A_SCSR_MAP DB table for Scope item and service mapping
START_PR_LOCK table for saving processes that are locked by user
START_SC_SER_MAP DB table for Scope item and service mapping
START_SR_PAY_MAP DB table for service details and payload mapping
START_S_FC_HDR Standard Table for Failure Categories Header
START_S_PAYLOAD DB table for Service-payload mapping
START_S_PR_MAP Process Testcase Mapping
START_S_SCSR_MAP DB table for Scope item and service mapping
START_UPLD_FILE Table for upload and download feature
TDC_A_CONT TDC table for container name & Description
TDC_A_REPO Global repository for TDC
TDC_A_S4C_INT TDC & S4C integration table
TDC_S_CONT TDC table for container name & Description
TDC_S_REPO Global repository for TDC
START_A_ELE_SS OR Element Screenshot
START_S_ELE_SS OR Element Screenshot
START_A_SERVICE DB table for Scope item and service mapping
TDC_A_CONT_TAG TDC Container Tag Mapping table
TDC_S_CONT_TAG TDC Container Tag Mapping table
START_A_TDC_INT TDC & S4C integration table
START_S_PR_DEP S Table for Process data
START_TEST_USERS Maintain Destination for Roles
START_A_PUT_HDR Post-upgrade test execution Header
START_DPP DPP Consent from user
START_LOG_SET Table to store the sets used for execution of testplan
START_PLAN_TAGS A table for plan tags
START_TP_JOBS Scheduled Jobs for START test plan
START_A_UI5_DET UI5 Element Additional Details
START_S_UI5_DET UI5 Element Additional Details
START_A_TDC_LOG Log Table for integration with S4C and TDC
START_A_COLM_DET Object Repository Table Column Elements Details
START_S_COLM_DET Object Repository Table Column Elements Details
TDC_S_APPAREAT TDC Text Table for application area
TDC_A_TEMPLT TDC Template name & Description
TDC_A_TEMP_MAP TDC template mapping table
TDC_S_TEMPLT TDC Template name & Description
TDC_S_TEMP_MAP TDC template mapping table