Print and Output Management (BC-CCM-PRN)

ID: HLB0009773
Table Description
TSP1D Spool: Format
TSP4D Spool: Check table for print control
TSP6D Type of connection to format program
CFONT_INFO I18N: Cascading fonts and related info
TSP03 Spool: Printer declaration
CFONT_MAPPING I18N:Cascading font, mapping between SAPfont and other fonts
TSP09A Spool: ABAP based printer drivers
T022B Spool allocation for logical/physical destination
TSP03A Spool: Device description (new format)
TSP03D Spool: Device Description (New Format)
TSP03L Spool: Long device names
TSP03T Paper format in the device paper tray
TSP06A Spool: Implemented format type of a device type
TSP06T Text table: Title texts for print formats
TSPCMDS Command Line Model for LOMS
TSPLOMS Logical Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPOPTIONS Spool Options
TSPROMS Real Output Management Systems for Access Method 'E'
TSPSV Spool: Server table
TSPCPCDS obsolete: CPC: Distribution status
TSPCPCPGC CPC: Printer group configuration
TSPCPCPGL CPC: Printer group list
TSPCPCPL CPC: List of CPC managed printers on central system
TSPCPCTPR OBSOLETE CPC: Target system group / printer group relations
TSPCPCTSGC CPC: Target system group configuration
TSPCPCTSGL CPC: Target system group list
TSPCPCTSL CPC: Target system list
TSPOPIP Printer / device type repations
TSPOPIPRN Printer / device type relations
TSPOPIPRN_WORK Printer / device type relations
TSPCPCDSE Extended distribution status information
TSPCPCFAV Target Systems and Target System Groups as Favorite Targets
T022D Spool: Print control translation
TSP08 Spool: Paper formats
TSP09 Spool: Printer drivers
TSP03C Spool: Device Description Extension
TSP0A Spool: Device types
TSP0R Paper in the paper trays on the device
TSP0S Obsolete: Name Conventions For Spool Request Authorizations
TSP9D Obsolete: Resource