CCMS Monitoring & Alerting (BC-CCM-MON)

ID: HLB0100097
Table Description
ALMONIDEF Alerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes
ALMONITORS Alerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default Values
SCSM_CHECK_LOG Log for Consistency Check
ALMONISETS Alerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure
ALMSETS Alerts: Monitor Sets and Corresponding Attributes
ALMSETSV2 Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 2
GRMG_RUN_LOG GRMG: Table for run log
ALTOOLEXEC Alert: Tool definition (executable, dispatcher and so on)
ALMTECLSET Alert: MTEClass setting of the Monitoring Architecture
ALCLASTOOL Alert: Assignment of tools to object class
SMOI_WS_RFCLOGON Connection details for RFC-Logon to and from remote systems
ALCCMCUSTP Value table for CCMS Customizing Parameters
SCSM_CHECK_DCODE RZ50: Dynamic Coding
ALVFOBMO Alerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor Set
ALGRPCUSGE Alert: General Customizing for MTE classes
ALGRPMCFIL Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groups
SCSM_CHECK_ITF Mapping Table: Adobe Forms ITF <-> RZ50 Checks
ALMDRULES Alerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definition
ALGRPCUSPF Alert: Group Customizing data performance class
ALCCMCUSTT Text table for customizing settings
ALXMBPFALERT Exchange Infrastructure: Performance Alerts for XI Messages
ALXMBEMAIL CCMS: Registration of E-Mail Recipients for Alerts
ALCUSTSET Alert: Monitoring Properties Variants
ALPFPOLICY Alert: Performance DB Schema (Reorg/Coll)
ALPFREORG Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE
ALPFSFTPLY Table for Performance Database Shift Aggregate Schema
ALTOOLCHEK Alert: Tools that have been checked as usable
ALTOOLDP Alert: Name of tool dispatchers
ALTRAMONI Monitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific Monitoring
ALF1DEFLT CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description Texts
ALPFASSIGN Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version)
ALPFAUTOREPORT List of PerfDB Report to Be Executed Automatically
ALPFCOLLREORGSCH Collection/Reorganization Schemas for PerfDB
ALQRFCMON Define Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon.
ALQRFCMONO Owner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20
ALPFTHRHIST_RWS Performance Threshold History: Number of Records
GRMG_MESSAGES GRMG: Table for messages
GRMG_SCENARIOS GRMG: Table for scenario descriptions
GRMG_COMPONENTS GRMG: table for components
ALBTCMON Table for Batch Monitoring
ALCCMCUSTV Value table for possible values of parameters
ALCCMCUST Customizing settings for CCMS
SCSM_CHECK_CFG user based Configuration of checks
SCSM_CHECK_MAIL Standard Link Between Check Object and Text Object
SCSM_CHECK_MLCUS Customer Link Between Check Object and Text Object
SCSM_CHECK_RELAT Configuration of the Available Standard Checks
SCSM_CHECK_RLCUS Configuration of the Customer Checks
SCSM_CHECK_USR Customizing Table for Checking Locked Users