Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groups | #masterdata | Component: CCMS Monitoring & Alerting
Column Name Description
CUSGRPNAME Alert: Customization: Name of Customization Group
SETNAME Alert: Name of monitoring properties variant
LINENUMBER Alert: Message container line ID in database (NUMC)
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
FROMSGCLAS XMI logging: company name of external management tool TEXT16
FROMSGID Message ID for an XMI log entry XMSGID
TOMSGCLAS XMI logging: company name of external management tool TEXT16
TOMSGID Message ID for an XMI log entry XMSGID
MSGVALUE Alert: alert value (1 = green, 2 = yellow, ....)
SEVERITY Alert: severity (alerts, monitoring type custom..)