Extended distribution status information | #other | Component: Print and Output Management
Column Name Description
PNAME Printer name for CPC printer
PGNAME Printer group name
TSNAME Target system name
TSGNAME Name of target system group
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
CODE 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4
DESCRIPTION Text field of length 240 TEXT240
DIST_STATUS 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4
FAILED_INST_CNT 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4
FAILED_REM_CNT 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4
CNAME Creator's name XUBNAME
MNAME Last modifier's name XUBNAME
MTIME Last modification time TIMESTAMP
UNUSED Case-Sensitive Character Field CHAR255_CASE