
Seniority Paym.Caluculation Report 2 | Component: Turkey

Transaction Tables

BKPF Accounting Document Header
BSEG Accounting Document Segment
PCL1 HR Cluster 1
PCL2 HR Cluster 2
PCL3 HR Cluster 3
PCL4 HR Cluster 4


PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0776 Personnel master data: Infotype 0776
PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T549A Payroll areas
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T77PCLX_PCLXID Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table
T7TRG01 General information about company.
T7TRG03 Seniority group based on personnel area and subarea
T7TRG04 Personnel Area - Personnel Subarea grouping
T7TRK01 Allowance factors - notice periods
T7TRK02 Wage types for seniority payment
T7TRK05 Seniority report parameter maintenance
T7TRK08 IFRS Account Determination (Badi)
T7TRK09 IFRS : Posting Record
T7TRK10 IFRS : Posting Record Personel Le