Trasfer of payments other entitlem. | Component: Hungary

Transaction Tables

T5H83 Data of other legal relationships
T5HPBS_HAVIBONT Comm. - payments monthly breakdown by persons
T5HPBS_NAPI_CL Comm. - daily breakdown cluster table
T5HPBS_TRANS_RUN Comm. - running transfer


PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Actions)
PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PA0163 Taxation (H)
PA0164 Infotype 0164
PA3261 Commission contracts H
PA3262 Payments for persons with commission H
PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T511K Payroll Parameters
T549A Payroll areas
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options