
CU Form | Component: Italy

Transaction Tables

T77PAYIT_BENEFIC Beneficiary tables
T77PAYIT_CUPSTAT Statement of beneficiary declaration


PYNOSCREEN Selection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREEN PNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
T511K Payroll Parameters
T511P International Payroll Constants
T547V Contract Types
T549A Payroll areas
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T5ITAN Notes for CUD
T5ITCS Contribution indicator
T5ITDQ Allowable expense type
T5ITDR Employment deduction expenses type
T5ITL1 Other taxations table
T5ITM4 District indicator table
T5ITNB INPS registration numbers table
T5ITNG 01/M data table - section B
T5ITP1 Social Security fund
T5ITPC CAF table
T5ITUD Report: report and attribution fields
T5ITUI_2 User Data Table for Report / Legal Form
T5ITVR Definition of UR variables for conditions